Guy Plugs A Record-Breaking 444 Video Game Consoles Into A Single TV

I have three gaming consoles plugged into my TV in the living room and it’s a mess of wires and HDMI input hopping. Ibrahim Al-Nasser has over 400 consoles plugged into a single TV and seems to be doing just fine. In fact, his obsession just broke a world record.Read more

Finding A Chocobo Mount In Final Fantasy XIV

It wouldn’t be a Final Fantasy game without Chocobos, so it’s no surprise that the giant rideable birds show up in the franchise’s online entry, Final Fantasy XIV. The creatures first appear very early on in the MMO, but are only able to ferry you to specific locations on a pre-set route for a fee....

How To Strike Gold Ore In Once Human

Many of the late-game crafting recipes you’ll encounter in Once Human require rare materials that only stem from high-level zones. For instance, Gold. It’s one of the most lucrative materials in the game, but also highly necessary to produce end-game equipment to take down Great Ones.Read more

Rusko zvažuje zákaz české videohry, prý překrucuje historii

Petrohradská prokuratura podala žalobu požadující zákaz distribuce videohry The Last Train Home v Rusku. Příběh o návratu československých legionářů do vlasti prý popírá historická fakta, což podle žalobců může „poškodit duševní a sociální zdraví a vývoj dětí.“

Alien: Romulus Took Inspiration From This One Small Thing In Alien: Isolation

Alien: Romulus looks to be a terrifying love letter to the first film in the series, released back in the late ‘70s. But that sci-fi horror classic is not the only thing Romulus is drawing from, so as you watch the movie later this week, keep an eye open for the emergency phones first seen decades...

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