
Nalezeno "BTC price prediction": 147

How low can the Bitcoin price go?

Bitcoin price is down 14% from its current record high, but breaking below $90,000 could put BTC price at risk of a longer consolidation period

How low can the Bitcoin price go?

Bitcoin price is down 14% from its current record high, but breaking below $90,000 could put BTC price at risk of a longer consolidation period

How low can the Bitcoin price go?

Bitcoin price is down 14% from its current record high, but breaking below $90,000 could put BTC price at risk of a longer consolidation period

How low can the Bitcoin price go?

Bitcoin price is down 14% from its current record high, but breaking below $90,000 could put BTC price at risk of a longer consolidation period

How low can the Bitcoin price go?

Bitcoin price is down 14% from its current record high, but breaking below $90,000 could put BTC price at risk of a longer consolidation period

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