
Nalezeno "dani": 9

The Industry Is Divided On How To Write Video Game Romance

In 2011, BioWare’s Dragon Age II portrayed its four main romantic conquests as bisexual, allowing them to be pursued by either the male or female version of main character Hawke. At the time, I was a young, mostly-but-not-completely out gay high school student, and I spent hours each week on...

The 9 Best Pokémon TCG YouTubers To Follow

Anyone surprised by what manages to become popular on YouTube clearly hasn’t been paying attention. From magnet fishing for trash, to trampolining off high platforms, there’s a channel with over a million subscribers for everything. So it shouldn’t shock anyone that when it comes to watching other...

Dead Island 2: The Kotaku Review

Dead Island 2 is a zombie hack-and-slash with an unnecessarily mysterious past. Its predecessor, Dead Island, established the series as a blood-soaked trough of B-movie sensibility, but a nine-year-long game of hot potato tossed sequel Dead Island 2 behind a curtain, obscuring it from the public...

The Callisto Protocol, The Kotaku Review

Bizarrely, after a biophage mutant, limbs falling off it as easily as scooping into a pudding, puts its hands into my mouth and rips my jaw from my face for the fifth time, it comes to me: Oh, this is a transportation game.Read more

A Squid Game Clone Is Taking Over Twitch

All over Twitch right now, Crab Game—much like the cephalopodic Netflix show it so gleefully emulates—is a multiplayer battle royale game where players compete in a series of events based on childhood games. One by one, they are eliminated, until the last surviving player is crowned the winner....

Ubisoft Pulls Far Cry 6 Mission Released Early By 'Accident'

Far Cry 6 has only been out for a month now and the game is already doling out some downloadable content, but not intentionally. Ubisoft recently admitted it pushed out a free DLC mission with star Danny Trejo before it was slated to arrive in December. Now, with a new update on consoles,...

Far Cry 6: The Kotaku Review

Early on in Far Cry 6, a character explains that a revolution isn’t something that happens once, but rather something that will keep happening. History is destined to repeat itself over and over. The irony of Far Cry 6 using this as a theme isn’t lost on me. And yet, here I am, unable to break free...

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