
Nalezeno "favicon": 11

We Analyzed 425,909 Favicons

This is a neat idea for a research project. The big map is fun, but the research had some tidbits in it worth looking at. The average favicon network request takes 130ms, at least from our speedy cloud instance. … The post We Analyzed 425,909 Favicons appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Favicons: How to Make Sure Browsers Only Download the SVG Version

Šime Vidas DM’d me the other day about this thread from subzey on Twitter. My HTML for favicons was like this: <!-- Warning! Typo! --<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" size="any"<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml" The attribute size is a typo there...

SVG Favicons in Action

Ever heard of favicons made with SVG? If you are a regular reader of CSS-Tricks, you probably have. But does your website actually use one? The task is more non-trivial than you might think. As we will see in this … The post SVG Favicons in Action appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Dynamic Favicons for WordPress

Typically, a single favicon is used across a whole domain. But there are times you wanna step it up with different favicons depending on context. A website might change the favicon to match the content being viewed. Or a site … The post Dynamic Favicons for WordPress appeared first...

How to Create a Favicon That Changes Automatically

I found this Free Favicon Maker the other day. It’s a nice tool to make a favicon (true to its name), but unlike other favicon generators, this one lets you create one from scratch starting with a character or an emoji. Naturally, I was curious to look at the code to see how it works and, while...

SVG, Favicons, and All the Fun Things We Can Do With Them

Favicons are the little icons you see in your browser tab. They help you understand which site is which when you’re scanning through your browser’s bookmarks and open tabs. They’re a neat part of internet history that are capable of performing some cool tricks. One very new trick is the ability...

Emojis as Favicons

Lea Verou had a dang genius idea to use an emoji as a favicon. The idea only recently possible as browsers have started supporting SVG for favicons. Chuck an emoji inside an SVG <text element and use that as the favicon. Now that all modern browsers support SVG favicons, here's how...

Different Favicon for Development

I bet a lot of us tend to have the production website and the development website up simultaneously a lot. It's almost a developer cliché at this point to make some local change, refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh, and just not see the change, only to discover you were looking at the production...

Dark Mode Favicons

Oooo! A bonafide trick from Thomas Steiner. Chrome will soon be supporting SVG favicons (e.g. <link rel="icon" href="/icon.svg">). And you can embed CSS within an SVG with a <style> element. That CSS can use a perfers-color-sceme media query, and as a result, a favicon that supports...

The Making of an Animated Favicon

It’s the first thing your eyes look for when you’re switching tabs. That’s one way of explaining what a favicon is. The tab area is a much more precious screen real-estate than what most assume. If done right, besides being a label with icon, it can be the perfect billboard to represent what’s...

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