
Nalezeno "milton": 10

No, You Shouldn’t Livestream Hurricane Milton For Clout

Hurricane Milton, one of the biggest storms in recorded history, is set to make landfall in Florida on October 9. It will likely cause tens of billions of dollars of damage and could kill or injure many people who are unable to evacuate Tampa Bay and the surrounding region in time.Read more

Milton Friedman on Inflation: A Government-Made Disaster 

Inflation is not a natural phenomenon but a consequence of government actions. Milton Friedman famously argued that only the government can create inflation, and misguided policies, like price controls, worsen the problem. Friedman Famously Said: ‘Inflation Is Made by Government and No One Else’...

Lil Nas X Released A Cheeky Video Game About Twerking

Lil Nax X—prolific Tweeter, former country music superstar, and current Lord of Hell—has released a new video game that celebrates his current chart-topping hit, “Montero (Call Me By Your Name).”Read more

The cometh: The rise and fall of the Game Boy’s weirdest rivals

There was a time—from roughly April of 1989 until the mobile revolution of the last 10 years—when “mobile gaming” meant something very different to the vast majority of people. Specifically, it meant Nintendo. Even as the Console Wars raged at home, the Japanese giant’s iron-fingered...

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