Víte, že... První ryze české auto vzniknulo v roce 1897, první čerpací stanice až o 26 let později
První ryze český automobil se spalovacím motorem vzniknul už v roce 1897, ale první veřejná čerpací stanice otevřela na pražském náměstí Republiky až v roce 1923. Jak je to možné? Vtip je v tom, že Tatru Präsident poháněla směs éteru s benzínem, takže se nejsnáze tankovalo v lékárně, nebo
Android Auto se brzy změní. Displej rozdělený na dvě části už nebude volitelný, ale novou normou
Aplikaci Android Auto čeká redesign • Povinně přejde na režim Split Screen • Google chce, ať mají řidiči důležité informace pěkně rychle po ruce
Auto se nabije, aniž byste vystoupili. Apple si patentoval automatickou nabíječku pro elektromobily
Už před několika lety jsme mohli vidět na videu prototyp robotického „hada“, který fanoušek Tesly vyrobil jako možné budoucí řešení pro automatické nabíjení elektromobilu se stávajícími porty bez nutnosti interakce řidiče či jiného člověka. Apple nyní získal patent na jednodušší řešení, které ale
Six Months Later, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy Still Needs Some Work
When Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition launched last year, it was a disaster. Three of the most beloved video games of all time had been officially re-released on modern hardware and not only looked like shit, but ran like it too. Things were so bad, in fact, that Rockstar had...
Get a Random Array Item with JavaScript
JavaScript Arrays are probably my favorite primitive in JavaScript. You can do all sorts of awesome things with arrays: get unique values, clone them, empty them, etc. What about getting a random value from an array? To get a random item from an array, you can employ Math.random: const arr =...
Uncanny: YouTubers Recreate GTA 3 Animations IRL All Over Tokyo
Life imitates art, and nowhere is this more apparent than through these YouTube videos of a guy running through the streets of Tokyo, Japan as if he were a character from Grand Theft Auto 3. While the movement is strange for a human, it will look familiar to anyone who has tried moving around in...
Slavný raper považoval GTA za hru pro děti, než ji sám vyzkoušel
Skvěle hodnocená spolupráce mezi Dr. Dre a studiem Rockstar se nerodila snadno. Slavný raper nejenže nejprodávanější videohru historie nehrál, ale dokonce ji donedávna ani neviděl. Nechtěl pracovat na „něčem pro děti“, přesvědčil ho až kolega Dj Pooh, který mu ji předvedl
Wario's First Big Speaking Role Was For...A British Supermarket
The inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom aren’t big on speeches. They’ll write long-ass letters, sure, but when it comes to speaking out loud most of them will restrict themselves to the odd soundbyte or celebratory quip. Except, that is, for Wario.Read more
GTA V Next-Gen Quietly Gets A Bunch Of Welcome Boosts, Improvements
Rockstar Games quietly patched Grand Theft Auto V on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, adding a handful of small but highly requested tweaks to the next-gen version of the nearly decade-old game. Players have also noticed new files added to the PC version of the game hinting that next-gen improvements will...
Legacy String Methods for Generating HTML
I’m always really excited to see new methods on JavaScript primitives. These additions are acknowledgement that the language needs to evolve and that we’re doing exciting new things. That being said, I somehow just discovered some legacy String methods that you probably shouldn’t...
Interview with an Intiface Haptics Engineer
I was recently re-reading my Interview with a PornHub Web Developer and one bit I started thinking about was the VR question and the idea of making users not just see but feel` something. The haptic feedback of VR games is what really sets them apart from your standard PC or console game. So when...
Dr. Dre Thought GTA Was ‘For Kids’ Until DJ Pooh Gave Him A Personal Demo
Last year, Dr. Dre headlined GTA Online’s most recent update, The Contract. However, it took some convincing to actually get him to appear digitally in-game. According to a new interview, he initially declined because he didn’t really know much about GTA and thought it was “for kids.”Read more
Head Xbox Researcher For Achievements And Game Pass leaves After Nearly 20 Years
Microsoft’s head of Xbox research and design, Chris Novak, will leave the company after nearly two decades, he announced yesterday. The veteran console architect was a leading creative force in a division that oversaw the creation of everything from achievements to Game Pass, a service that upended...
GTA V’s Next-Gen Ports Remove Some Transphobic Content
The recently released PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of Grand Theft Auto V seem to be missing some content that was considered by many to be transphobic. These elements had received criticism from some journalists and players, though Rockstar Games has not commented publicly on what motivated...
„Nikdo tam není!“ Policisté zastavili plně autonomní auto a byli zmatení, že nemá řidiče
Zvláštní střet, který ukazuje, jak úřady ještě nejsou připraveny na nasazení plně autonomních aut, se odehrál před několika dny v americkém San Francisku. Dopravní policisté přesně takové vozidlo v ulicích města zastavili, protože nemělo zapnuté přední světla a pak nevěděli, jak postupovat, když
Modder Makes Ridiculous Upgrade To Steam Deck To Play Witcher 3 On Max Settings
Want to get The Witcher 3 and Grand Theft Auto V running at 60 fps in 4K on the Steam Deck? You can, as long as you’re willing to spend a lot of money to Frankenstein Valve’s latest PC gaming device in the process.Read more
Cash App Introduces Paid in Bitcoin, BTC Roundup and Lightning Network Services
At the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami, Block, Inc., formerly Square, Inc., announced three new bitcoin services for the company’s mobile payment platform. The mobile payment platform Cash App will feature a “paid in bitcoin” service that allows users to auto-invest their work...
Input valueAsNumber
Every once in a while I learn about a JavaScript property that I wish I had known about years earlier — valueAsNumber is one of them. The valueAsNumber provides the value of an input[type=number] as a Number type, instead of the traditional string representation when you get the value:...
Official Formula 1 'Ethereum NFT Game' Shuts Down
F1 Delta Time, an official NFT and crypto-powered racing game that launched back in 2019, closed its doors last month, leaving everyone who had spent money and invested in the project probably wishing they had done something else with their time.Read more
Advanced Code Display with Code Detection API (Sponsored)
Web apps are accepting numerous types of inputs, from basic text to code to imagery, files, and more. It’s important that we validate the contents we receive but if you do allow arbitrary text, it’s good to know what exactly has been submitted so you can present it properly. Enter...