
Nalezeno "s-1": 10113

As HSBC Guns for More Market Share, More Tech Jobs To Come Up in China

HSBC Holdings is one of the largest banking giants in the world and over the course of its history; the bank has always had a strong presence in Asia. However, the lender is not going to rest on its laurels and is looking to further consolidate its presence in the continent by adding as many...

Poslední kumulativní aktualizace Windows 10 způsobuje řadu problémů

Minulý týden jsme tu opět měli „záplatovací úterý“, během kterého Microsoft vydal sadu kumulativních aktualizací pro svůj operační systém. Někteří uživatelé Windows 10 verze 1809 se však potýkali s nepříjemnými chybami, týkajícími se instalace opravného balíčku KB4494441. Kumulativní opravný

Everyone’s Talking About Security Tokens But No One’s Trading Them

There’s a party happening right now and everyone’s invited. The music’s playing, the fridge is loaded and the bathtub’s full of ice. All the ingredients for the sickest soiree are in place. There’s just one problem: the guests have yet to arrive. Welcome to the world...

Jižní Korea nechce platit za Windows 10. Přejde proto na Linux

Příští rok v lednu Microsoft ukončí podporu pro Windows 7 a je na firmách, jak se zachovají. Pokud nechtějí používat nezabezpečené stroje, mohou si zaplatit dodatečnou podporu, či licenci na Windows 10. V Jižní Korei se místo toho rozhodli, že zkusí přechod na konkurenční Linux, který je

Bitcoin Cash Devs Publish the First 3 of 3 Multi-Sig Schnorr Transaction

On May 15, the Bitcoin Cash network successfully upgraded by implementing Schnorr signatures, after which a few developers processed some basic Schnorr signatures. Then, on Saturday, May 18, software developers Chris Pacia, Mark Lundeberg, and Checksum0 performed the first multi-sig Schnorr...

Markets Update: Bitcoin Cash Jumps Ahead as Crypto Prices See Fresh Gains

Digital asset markets jumped in value over the last 24 hours as most cryptocurrencies have gained 8-13%. Since our last markets update the entire cryptoconomy has increased by $33 billion and this Sunday bitcoin cash (BCH) lead the top ten pack once again with a 12.9% gain in the last day. Also...

Bitcoin History Part 13: The First Mining Pool

The notion that anyone could solo mine bitcoin – on a CPU no less – seems positively quaint today. But in 2010, this method wasn’t just possible – it was the norm. With an exponentially lower hashrate, less competition and a 50 bitcoin block reward, there was enough pie...

Markets Update: Bears Claw Crypto Prices Back While Uncertainty Fills the Air

Digital asset markets fell hard during the early morning trading sessions on May 17 as the price of bitcoin core (BTC) quickly tumbled from $7,900 to a low of $6,200 on Bitstamp. Many other crypto markets followed BTC’s drop in value, but over the last few hours, a good portion of coins have...

Europol rozbil síť malwaru GozNym, který ukradl přes 100 milionů dolarů

Europolu a americkému ministerstvu spravedlnosti se podařilo ve spolupráci s orgány dalších šesti zemí kompletně rozbít síť kyberzločinců, která stála za malwarem GozNym. Ten ukradl v minulých letech z bankovních účtů lidí a podniků po celém světě přes 100 milionů dolarů (2,3 miliardy

Binance Charity Foundation Raises $200,000 For Their Child Welfare Programme

In a recent charity event, the Binance Charity Foundation has raised $200,000 to support the Children program. The event was hosted by Bloq. Blockchain Charity Foundation is a non-profit company which aims to achieve sustainable global development through the unlocking of blockchain power. In order...

Crypto Spring Brings Strong Profits to Next-Generation and Older Mining Rigs

Over the last few weeks, cryptocurrency markets have been on a tear accumulating considerable gains following the notorious ‘crypto winter.’ Since the recent price hike this spring, mining digital assets with next-generation miners has allowed participants to secure significant gains...

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