
Nalezeno "Video": 11045

What Does `playsinline` Mean in Web Video?

I got myself confused about this the other day, went around searching for an answer and came up empty on finding something clear. The answer actually is quite clear and I feel a little silly for not knowing it. With it in place, like this: <video src="..." controls playsinline</video Mobile...

Fluid Width Video

IN A WORLD of responsive and fluid layouts on the web, ONE MEDIA TYPE stands in the way of perfect harmony: video. There are lots of ways in which video can be displayed on your site. You might be self-hosting the video and presenting it via the HTML5 <video tag. You might...

Making Things Better: Redefining the Technical Possibilities of CSS

(This is a sponsored post.) Robin recently lamented the common complaint that CSS is frustrating. There are misconceptions about what it is and what it does. There are debates about what kind of language it is. There are even different views on where it should be written. Rachel Andrew has a...

HTML: The Inaccessible Parts

<input type="number", <input type="date", <input type="search", <select multiple, <progress, <meter, <dialog, <details<summary, <video, <div onclick, <div aria-label, <a href<divBlock Links</div</a, aria-controls...

Where to Learn WordPress Theme Development

Over a decade ago, I did a little three-part video series on Designing for WordPress. Then I did other series with the same spirit, like videocasting the whole v10 redesign, a friend's website, and even writing a book. Those are getting a little long in the tooth though. You might still learn from...

Centering a div That Maintains Aspect-Ratio When There’s Body Margin

Andrew Welch had a little CSS challenge the other day to make an ordinary div: • centered vertically + horizontally• scales to fit the viewport w/ a margin around it• maintains an arbitrary aspect ratio• No JS There's a video in that tweet if it helps you visualize the challenge. I saw Paul...

Browser Version Release Spectrum

Whenever a browser upgrades versions, it's a little marketing event, and rightly so. Looks like for Firefox it's about once a month, Chrome is ~6 weeks, and Safari is once a year. Chrome 80 just dropped, as they say, and we get a video and blog post. What strikes me about releases like this these...

Nové video ukazuje, jak by Země vypadala, kdyby vyschly všechny její oceány

Remake animace NASA z roku 2008 ukazuje, jak by náš svět vypadal za předpokladu, že by došlo k vyschnutí všech oceánů. Autorem tohoto povedeného videa je bývalý planetární vědec jmenované agentury James O'Donoghue. „Líbí se mi, jak tato animace odhaluje, že oceánské dno je z hlediska geologie

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