
Nalezeno "Article": 1993

Show Search Button when Search Field is Non-Empty

I think the :placeholder-shown selector is tremendously cool. It allows you to select the placeholder of an input (<input placeholder="...">) when that placeholder is present. Meaning, the input does not yet have any value. You might think input[value] could do that, or help match on...

Making a Chart? Try Using Mobx State Tree to Power the Data

Who loves charts? Everyone, right? There are lots of ways to create them, including a number of libraries. There’s D3.js, Chart.js, amCharts, Highcharts, and Chartist, to name only a few of many, many options. But we don’t necessary need a chart library to create charts. Take Mobx-state-tree (MST)...

Float Element in the Middle of a Paragraph

Say you want to have an image (or any other element) visually float left into a paragraph of text. But like... in the middle of the paragraph, not right at the top. It's doable, but it's certainly in the realm of CSS trickery! One thing you can do is slap the image right in the middle of...

The Trick to Animating the Dot on the Letter “i”

Here’s the trick: by combining the Turkish letter "ı" and the period "." we can create something that looks like the letter "i," but is made from two separate elements. This opens us up to some fun options to style or animate the dot of the letter independently from the stalk. Worried about...

Become a Front-End Master in 2020 With These 10 Project Ideas

This is a little updated cross-post from a quickie article I wrote on DEV. I'm publishing here 'cuz I'm all IndieWeb like that. I love this post by Simon Holdorf. He's got some ideas for how to level up your skills as a front-end developer next year. Here they are: Build a movie search app using...

A Look at JAMstack’s Speed, By the Numbers

People say JAMstack sites are fast — let’s find out why by looking at real performance metrics! We’ll cover common metrics, like Time to First Byte (TTFB) among others, then compare data across a wide section of sites to see how different ways to slice those sites up compare. First, I’d like...

Comparing the Different Types of Native JavaScript Popups

JavaScript has a variety of built-in popup APIs that display special UI for user interaction. Famously: alert("Hello, World!"); The UI for this varies from browser to browser, but generally you’ll see a little window pop up front and center in a very show-stopping way that contains the message...

Are There Random Numbers in CSS?

CSS allows you to create dynamic layouts and interfaces on the web, but as a language, it is static: once a value is set, it cannot be changed. The idea of randomness is off the table. Generating random numbers at runtime is the territory of JavaScript, not so much CSS. Or is it? If we factor in...

The Current State of Styling Selects in 2019

Best I could tell from the last time I compiled the most wished-for features of CSS, styling form controls was a major ask. Top 5, I'd say. And of the native form elements that people want to style, Greg Whitworth has some data that the <select> element is more requested than any other...

A Business Case for Dropping Internet Explorer

The distance between Internet Explorer (IE) 11 and every other major browser is an increasingly gaping chasm. Adding support for a technologically obsolete browser adds an inordinate amount of time and frustration to development. Testing becomes onerous. Bug-fixing looms large. Developers have...

Animated Position of Focus Ring

Maurice Mahan created FocusOverlay, a "library for creating overlays on focused elements." That description is a little confusing at you don't need a library to create focus styles. What the library actually does is animate the focus rings as focus moves from one element to another. It's based...

The Landscape of Cross-Platform App Development

I don't track this stuff very well, but I get it. If you want a native app for Android and iOS, it sure would be nice to only have to write it once rather than two very different languages. Roughly double your reach without doubling the work. More and more of these things are reaching into desktop...

Understanding How Reducers are Used in Redux

A reducer is a function that determines changes to an application’s state. It uses the action it receives to determine this change. We have tools, like Redux, that help manage an application’s state changes in a single store so that they behave consistently. Why do we mention Redux when talking...

Why Are Accessible Websites so Hard to Build?

I was chatting with some front-end folks the other day about why so many companies struggle at making accessible websites. Why are accessible websites so hard to build? We learn about HTML, we make sure things are semantic and — voila! @— we have an accessible website. During the course...

What I Like About Writing Styles with Svelte

There’s been a lot of well-deserved hype around Svelte recently, with the project accumulating over 24,000 GitHub stars. Arguably the simplest JavaScript framework out there, Svelte was written by Rich Harris, the developer behind Rollup. There’s a lot to like about Svelte (performance, built-in...

Digging Into the Preview Loading Animation in WordPress

WordPress shipped the Block Editor (aka Gutenberg) back in version 5.0 and with it came a snazzy new post preview screen that shows the WordPress logo drawing itself while the preview loads. That's what you get when saving a post draft and clicking the "Preview" button in the editor. How'd they...

Why Parcel Has Become My Go-To Bundler for Development

Today we’re gonna talk about application bundlers — tools that simplify our lives as developers. At their core, bundlers pick your code from multiple files and put everything all together in one or more files in a logical order that are compiled and ready for use in a browser. Moreover, through...

Options for Hosting Your Own Non-JavaScript-Based Analytics

There are loads of analytics platforms to help you track visitor and usage data on your sites. Perhaps most notably Google Analytics, which is widely used (including on this site), probably due to it's ease of integration, feature-richness, and the fact that it's free (until you need to jump up...

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