
Nalezeno "forms": 48

Form design

A very digestable guide from Geri Reid on building forms. Not the code, but the design and UX principles that should guide the code. Working on a design system for a bank has taught [me] a lot about forms. I’ve watched testing in our labs. I’ve worked alongside experts from specialist...

Striking a Balance Between Native and Custom Select Elements

Here’s the plan! We’re going to build a styled select element. Not just the outside, but the inside too. Total styling control. Plus we’re going to make it accessible. We’re not going to try to replicate everything that the browser does by default with a native <select> element. We’re going...

Unprefixed `appearance `

It’s interesting how third-parties are sometimes super involved in pushing browser things forward. One big story there was how Bloomberg hired Igalia to implement CSS grid across the browsers. Here’s another story of Bocoup doing that, this time for the appearance property. The story...

Using Formik to Handle Forms in React

There is no doubt that web forms play an integral role in our web site or applications. By default, they provide a useful set of elements and features — from legends and fieldsets to native validation and states — but they only get us so far when we start to consider the peculiarities of using...

Auto-Growing Inputs & Textareas

By default, <input> and <textarea> elements don't change size based on the content they contain. In fact, there isn't any simple HTML or CSS way to make them do that. Kinda funny, as that seems like a reasonable use-case. But of course, there are ways, my friend. There are always...

Custom Styling Form Inputs With Modern CSS Features

It’s entirely possible to build custom checkboxes, radio buttons, and toggle switches these days, while staying semantic and accessible. We don’t even need a single line of JavaScript or extra HTML elements! It’s actually gotten easier lately than it has been in the past. Let’s take a look. Here’s...

Wufoo Cracks the Code for Forms So You Don’t Have To

There was a lot of buzz about forms last week when Jason Grisby pointed to a missing pattern attribute on Chipotle's order form that could have been used to help-through millions of dollars in orders. Adrian Roselli followed that up with the common mistake of forgetting for and id attributes...


Buy or build is a classic debate in technology. Building things yourself might feel less expensive because there is no line item on your credit card bill, but has cost in the form of time. Buying things, believe it or not, is usually less expensive when it comes to technology that isn't your core...

A Comparison of Static Form Providers

Let’s attempt to coin a term here: "Static Form Provider." You bring your HTML <form>, but don’t worry about the back-end processing that makes it work. There are a lot of these services out there! Static Form Providers do all tasks like validating, storing, sending notifications,...

Using Netlify Forms and Netlify Functions to Build an Email Sign-Up Widget

Building and maintaining your own website is a great idea. Not only do you own your platform, but you get to experiment with web technologies along the way. Recently, I dug into a concept called serverless functions, starting with my own website. I’d like to share the results and what I learned...

Datalist is for suggesting values without enforcing values

Have you ever had a form that needed to accept a short, arbitrary bit of text? Like a name or whatever. That's exactly what <input type="text"> is for. There are lots of different input types (and modes!), and picking the right one is a great idea. But this little story is about something...

Customer Satisfaction Surveys with Wufoo

I was once tasked to create a makeshift customer service survey that would allow an employee to receive a customer call and send a survey to the custom once the call ended. The goal was to track customer satisfaction, which is a totally legit thing to want. There are some solutions out there that...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About inputmode

The inputmode global attribute provides a hint to browsers for devices with onscreen keyboards to help them decide which keyboard to display when a user has selected any input or textarea element. <input type="text" inputmode="" /> <textarea inputmode="" /> Unlike changing the type...

Under-Engineered Toggles

Toggles. Switches. Whatever you want to call them, they've been with us for some time and have been a dominant a staple for many form interfaces. They're even baked right into many CSS frameworks, including Bootstrap and Foundation. It's easy to think of them in binary terms: on and off. Off...

Form Validation in Under an Hour with Vuelidate

Form validation has a reputation for being tricky to implement. In this tutorial, we’ll break things down to alleviate some of that pain. Creating nice abstractions for forms is something that Vue.js excels at and Vuelidate is personally my favorite option for validations because it doesn't require...

You probably don’t need input type=“number”

Brad Frost wrote about a recent experience with a website that used <input type="number">: Last week I got a call from my bank regarding a wire transfer I had just scheduled. The customer support guy had me repeat everything back to him because there seemed to be a problem with...

All About mailto: Links

You can make a garden variety anchor link (<a>) open up a new email. Let's take a little journey into this feature. It's pretty easy to use, but as with anything web, there are lots of things to consider. The basic functionality <a href="">Email...

Don’t Get Clever with Login Forms

Brad points out some UX problems with a variety of apps that are doing things a little outside of the norm when it comes to their login forms. There is already a bunch of things to get right with forms to begin with (e.g. use the right input types, label your inputs, don't have whack password...

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