Explorer For Bitcoin Blockchain Launched By OKLink

OKLink, the associate concern of OKex the Malta-based virtual currency exchange has launched platform Bitcoin Block Explorer on Tuesday 25th June. The platform will allow its users to quickly investigate the transactions that will take place on the blockchain of Bitcoin. The newly launched platform...

NEO Price Analysis: NEO Trend Creates A Fantastic Ice Breaking Session

Aphelion Token which is a cryptocurrency wallet and operating decentralized exchange on NEO blockchain has partnered with BitMart. The trading will go live on 27th June. Ian Holtz, the CEO, also mentioned that Aphelion project has quoted to secure private funding after the development was paused...

Quantum Dot iPhone Camera Contract With Nanoco Cancelled By Apple

For most companies, which are involved in supplying items to other companies, landing a supply contract with one of the world’s largest corporations is a significant deal. The inking of such a contract elevates the stature of a company and in addition to that, it helps in drawing new clients with...

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