Ripple (XRP) Price Dropped By More Than 30% From The Highest Of Last Month

Chris Larsen, Co-Founder, and Chairperson of Ripple recently called to the government leaders of Unites States. He tweeted that it might not be a good idea to quote all the cryptocurrencies in just one bucket as some of them are legitimate and formative use-cases. Well, let’s hope that the...

Testing Haven, OB1’s New Social Media and Crypto Marketplace App

On Monday, OB1, the development team who created the crypto-infused marketplace Openbazaar, launched a new platform called Haven. The application is a mobile version of the Openbazaar marketplace, but also includes social media, end-to-end encrypted messaging, and noncustodial wallet services for...

Former Brazilian Central Bank Chief Praises Bitcoin, Libra

Gustavo Franco. Source: a video screenshot, Youtube, Canal UM BRASIL The former governor of the Central Bank of Brazil has heaped praise on Bitcoin – and suggested that McDonalds and Starbucks follow suit with Facebook, and consider launching cryptocurrencies of their own. In an editorial piece...

When Cash Is Banned, Centralized Cryptos Are Not Going to Save You

Australia is now moving forward with its proposed legislation to ban cash purchases over 10,000 AUD ($6,900) for business purposes. According to the treasury website: “The Black Economy Taskforce recommended this action to tackle tax evasion and other criminal activities.” While many...

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