California Public Accounts Seek Clarity on Cryptocurrency Holdings
California public accountants are seeking clarity on reporting cryptocurrencies, as current standards are reportedly insufficient
The SEC Can’t Keep Kik-ing the Crypto Can Down the Road
The SEC's case against Kik shows clear, consistent guidance on tokens is still needed, argues a Cato Institute scholar
BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, EOS, BNB, BSV, XLM, TRX: Price Analysis 05/06
Where are major coins heading in the near future? Let’s take a look at the charts
Japan Hopes to Set Global Crypto Law Benchmark With Latest Regulatory Update
Coincheck voices its concern over new crypto laws in Japan, while other exchanges claim to be excited as they await for the arrival of institutional investors
Think Tank Pushes for Creation of a National Cryptocurrency in Switzerland
A new report argues for the necessity of a blockchain-based economic model for Switzerland
Malta Needs to Up Its AML Game As Crypto Sector Grows, Says EU
Malta should increase its anti-money laundering policing to match the growth in financial and crypto services, according to the EU
There’s 100 Unclaimed Bitcoin Cash Wallets Hidden Worldwide
Over the last few months, the geocaching treasure hunt has gathered a bunch of new hidden BCH treasures. At the time of publication, there are approximately 105 concealed bitcoin cash wallets hidden all over the world with a large portion of these funds hidden in the U.S....
Dutch Billionaire John De Mol Files Lawsuit Against Facebook Over Fraudulent Crypto Ads
A lawsuit has been filed by Dutch billionaire John De Mol over crypto ads using his image without permission
Apple’s CryptoKit Launch Paves the Way for Secure Mobile Wallets
Swift is getting better crypto tools. Is the company’s stance on cryptocurrencies also changing?
$1 Billion Valuation May Elude Ethereum Co-Founder’s New Blockchain Polkadot
Polkadot’s bid for unicorn status has hit a snag, with three Chinese funds buying into the token sale at valuations below $1 billion
D’Cent Hardware Wallet for Bitcoin – First Hardware Wallet for Bitcoin Smart Contracts!
D’Cent group has effectively acquired 2 billion won from institutional speculation by KIP (Korea Investment Partners), the significant venture capital of Korea for acknowledgment in D’Cent’s excellent security platform and its aggressive contribution in hardware wallet technology....
Japan: Tax Authorities Say Crypto Traders Owe Them $93 Million
Tax authorities in Japan say cryptocurrency traders have failed to report gains valued at $93 million over the past several years