Fidelity Digital Assets possibly adding ETH support

Publikováno: 16.12.2019

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 16 December, 2019 “Peace begins with a smile.” - Mother Theresa In today's newsletter, we will be covering: Chinese courts using blockchain technology to settle cases Tether sponsoring new version of Bitcoin tokenization layer […]

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Your daily newsletter for 16 December, 2019

“Peace begins with a smile.”

- Mother Theresa

In today's newsletter, we will be covering:

  • Chinese courts using blockchain technology to settle cases

  • Tether sponsoring new version of Bitcoin tokenization layer Omni

  • Fidelity Digital Assets considering rolling out Ethereum (ETH) support in 2020

Daily Market Summary - Bearish ????


Total Market Cap: ~$195.3 billion (~0.8%)                  BTC Price: ~$7,105 (~2.1%)

24-Hour Volume: ~$57 billion (~5.3%)                        BTC Dominance: ~66.5% (~0.3%)

Notable movers: THETA (THETA) (~9.2%)

BTC is currently trading at ~$7,101, down ~2.1% over the weekend. Over the weekend, total market capitalization bounced within a tight range of ~$192.5 billion and and ~$198.2 billion. On the daily chart, BTC is still trading below its 21-, 50- and 100-day EMA support lines, and failed to break through its 100-day EMA line yesterday. RSI is at ~36.6, indicative of moderate bearish momentum. 

BTC is still trading within its lower highs and lower lows trading pattern/ channel/ zone it has been trading within since late June this year. ????

Total Market Capitalizations

Poll of the Day

How much do you agree with this statement: "I like the idea of privacy coins."
Why or why not? Share with me in the polls! 😆 

Blockchain in smart courts ????

China's official Xinhua news agency reported on 5 Dec that the country's smart courts are using various innovative technologies, including blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) to decide on millions of legal cases. 

It said that over 3.1 million Chinese litigation activities from March to October this year were settled via the blockchain and AI-powered smart courts. ????

These "courts of the future" allowed citizens to communicate with non-human, virtual AI-powered judges before multiple screens, negating the need for them to physically appear in court.

The system also establishes the possibility for citizens to get their court decisions by text or through major messaging services.

Funding an important core ????

The stablecoin operator behind USDT, Tether, has funded the development of the new version of Bitcoin (BTC) tokenization layer Omni, Omni Core 0.7.0.

The Omni protocol is a system that runs on the BTC network that allows tokens to be created on what is widely believed to be a secure network. ????

Omni Core 0.7.0 purportedly boosts network performance and solves locking issues and Remote Procedure Calls. The new version allows the construction of an on-chain decentralized exchange, allowing users to trade any on-chain asset for BTC.

ETH considerations ????

President of Fidelity Digital Assets, Tom Jessop, recently announced that the company might add support for Ethereum (ETH) in 2020 if there is enough demand for it. ????

He talked about how Fidelity Digital Assets had done "a lot of work on Ethereum," intended to "support it in the New Year," and are "very led by our [their] clients." Jessop also mentioned that the main barriers to institutional cryptocurrency adoption are "price volatility, lack of regulatory clarity... and absence of track record," problems he thinks will be alleviated with time. 

The cryptocurrency trading and custody platform first launched with a select group of customers in March, and is not meant for retail investors, focusing on hedge funds, pensions, family offices, pensions and other institutional investors instead.

Other news ????

  • Payments platform says it has integrated EOS support in its products. ????

  • The Monero Compliance Workgroup has said that the Monero (XMR) network is exempt from the Funds Travel Rule of the U.S. Financial Crimes and Enforcement Network (FinCEN) guidelines. ???? 

  • An IT industry analyst at Gartner, Avivah Litan, said in a survey that 75% of over 500 Internet of Things (IoT) firms in the U.S. have adopted blockchain or are thinking of adopting it by end-2020. ????

Blockchain term of the day ???? - Confirmations


A transaction is only confirmed when it is included in a block on the blockchain, at which point it has one confirmation. Each additional block is another confirmation. Different exchanges require a different number of confirmations to consider a cryptocurrency transaction final.

Crypto calendar  ????

TBA         - Justin Sun's lunch with Warren Buffett

What you said

"How much do you agree with this statement: "I would be keen on enrolling in an online crypto education course.""

The average vote was 8.7. 

"Why or why not?"

Always nice to learn something new ????– Can’t deny this. ????More education means more oportunities at hand. – Yeah, you’d be able to spot them more easily. ????More knowledge = More Tools = More Money - All about equipping yourself to make better decisions. ????The more you learn, the more you can earn. – Yup! ????Yes and no, as time is my enemy when it comes to new learning curves, and crypto has been quite the curve over the past few years. If my next career change lends itself towards blockchain tech (or the cannabis market even), I would definitely dive in again. – Why not take that leap of faith today? ????I'm interested in the future of this space – Me too. Very exciting! depends on what the course has to offer... i do love reading on blockchain & crypto.. – The rabbit hole is deep my friend. ????Sounds like a good way to learn about cryptos.. – Yeah and you’d be able to delve into the technical side as well. ????I think it's important to know as much as I can about the currencies I invest in, and the tools and resources available for researching and monitoring them. It helps me to temper my expectations and provides me confidence in making sound purchases that I can stick with. – It’s all about equipping yourself with more tools to make better judgement calls on your investments. You can never know too much, plus it always great to learn from more people, meet new crypto fans and share ideas with folks. – There’s always something you can learn from anybody. ????Because I own some and don’t really have a full understanding of the nuances of crypto’s.The more information one has the more an intelligent decision can be made – Not many people actually do. The space is just so rapidly changing that it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Just gotta do your best!I have been doing a lot of reading for almost 2.5 years about crypto but learning in a more formal setting would be worth it. – I agree. We need more of them to take the space to the next level. 
Thank you all for reading! Catch you back here again tomorrow for your daily dose of crypto news! ????

See you again tomorrow!

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The post Fidelity Digital Assets possibly adding ETH support appeared first on CoinMarketCap.

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