I'm sure there are already formulas to use for certain " changes" in the market and since we cannot "predict" the future I understand that we must apply those formula's with precision. Where their are numbers their are equation and when their is equations formulas can be applied for certain results ..... I'm not confused I just don't know. – I believe you’re referring to algorithmic trading. Yes, those are already being applied to crypto trading. Sad, but its there. Less opportunities for the everyday retail trader.
Complex market – As with any market. There's prob more opportunities here than traditional markets.
It is really quite simple if you take the time to learn and I am 76 years old. – Yuge respect! Keep learning my friend. Never too old.
Have been doing it for a couple of years – You must be a seasoned pro! Make it rain!
I understand the mechanics behind it. I however, I however do get confused by all the charts, longs shorts and leverage. but on flipside, trading isn't really my thing, I care more about accumulating and hodling – That’s probably a better, less stressful strategy. I do the same in the current market as well.
trading the smallcaps is too arcane and complex/.... nothing really straightforward to get what one wants.... should be easy to simply buy any coin or token simply using fiat currency or visa card.......... on a universal exchange... – Yup, agreed.
In all things, take the time to study the concept and its procedures and take care in practise. Do this and you will find that a second wind like sensation takes hold and low and behold you " know ". – I know what you mean. It’s like anything past that ‘realization point’ is just simple. Like everything just clicks.
Lost heaps on it – Try DCA-ing!
I'm George Soros – Lmao same.
Although I've been buying cryptocurrencies for two years, and improvements to market websites have been many, we still aren't at a point my mother (an senior and technophobe) could figure them out on her own. Additionally, terminology between different websites is inconsistent for simple services (send/receive vs. withdrawal/deposit and others) make it difficult for newcomers. – You’re right. That bridge still has not been built.
The tax implications are ridiculous, especially if I trade some BTC for a cup of coffee. – It’s rough if you are a U.S. citizen for sure.
Playing with the chart is difficult with no clear results if done frequently. Daily trading difficult for me. Long term works better. – Same here.
It depends on the depht you want to achieve. It can be really simple if you want. – True.
Picking winners is a crap shoot – Yeah, unless you got some insider info.