Nike tokenizing shoes on the blockchain

Publikováno: 23.12.2019

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 11 December, 2019 “The learning process continues until the day you die.” - Kirk Douglas In today's newsletter, we will be covering: World's 2nd-largest bank CCB launching blockchain refactoring Nike patenting a system for […]

The post Nike tokenizing shoes on the blockchain appeared first on CoinMarketCap.

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Your daily newsletter for 11 December, 2019

The learning process continues until the day you die.”

- Kirk Douglas

In today's newsletter, we will be covering:

  • World's 2nd-largest bank CCB launching blockchain refactoring

  • Nike patenting a system for tokenizing shoes on the Ethereum blockchain

  • Ethereum placing 2nd in China's blockchain rankings after its hard fork 

Daily Market Summary - Bearish ????


Total Market Cap: ~$197.5 billion (~1.1%)                  BTC Price: ~$7,280 (~1.2%)

24-Hour Volume: ~$58.8 billion (~2.65%)                   BTC Dominance: ~66.7% (~0.15%)

Notable movers: Enjin Coin (ENJ) (~11.2%)


BTC is currently trading at ~$7,280, down ~1.2% over yesterdayOn the daily chart, BTC is still trading below its 21-, 50- and 100-day EMA support lines, and failed to break through its 100-day EMA line yesterday. RSI is at ~39, indicative of moderate bearish momentum. 



BTC is still trading within its lower highs and lower lows trading pattern/ channel/ zone it has been trading within since late June this year. ????

Total Market Capitalizations

Poll of the Day

How much do you agree with this statement: "Crypto investing is more appealing to me than traditional investing."

What type of crypto investor are you? Why? Share with me in the polls! 😆 

Commercial refactoring launched ????



The 2nd-biggest bank in the world by operating assets, China Construction Bank (CCB), has officially launched its blockchain-based refactoring platform. 



The CCB is targeting commercial factoring businesses and intends to boost operations and decrease major risks in its refactoring business and offer shared data access to multiple participants at the same time. 



Factoring firms are reported to represent 3rd parties that buy businesses' invoices at a discount to help those businesses raise funds. ????

Crypto kicks ????



On 10 Dec, Nike patented a shoe system for tokenizing shoes via non-fungible tokens (NFT) on the Ethereum blockchain, and dubbed them "CryptoKicks". ????



The patent describes a "digital asset for footwear" and the various ways to use it. One such way is an Ethereum ERC721 or ERC1155 token used to authenticate and to transact a physical shoe. The token would be unlocked upon the purchase of the corresponding physical shoe by connecting a 10-digit shoe identification code with the owner identification code. 



The system aims to offer a method to ensure goods' authenticity, allowing buyers to "buy a new pair of highly sought after sneakers from a verified vendor who may provide authenticated provenance records for the sneakers."

Up ????



China's state-backed technology workgroup has released its 15th blockchain technology assessment, promoting Ethereum to 2nd place after its latest hard fork. The list was released on 6 Dec by the Center for Information and Industry Development (CCID), ranking a total of 35 assets with EOS maintaining its top position. ☝



Ethereum shifted from 3rd to 2nd place, taking over Tron (TRX). Bitcoin (BTC) ranked 9th, and Ripple 18th. 



Ethereum's promotion is likely due to, with a moderate degree of uncertainty, its recent network upgrade that has faced wide support with various popular exchanges announcing their node updates ahead of the hard fork.

Other news ????


  • Hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger has announced the newest version of its Ledger Live application, adding Tezos (XTZ) and Tezos staking support. ????

  • Russia's national power grid business, Rosseti, is piloting a system for electricity bill payments on an enterprise blockchain Waves Enterprise's distributed ledger.⚡

  • U.S. banking multinational JPMorgan Chase is eyeing a launch for its Interbank Information Network (IIN) in Japan possibly in January 2020. ????????

Blockchain term of the day ????Moon


A situation where there is a continuous upward movement in the price of a cryptocurrency. Often used in communities to question when a cryptocurrency will experience such a phenomenon, saying: “When moon?” It is usually combined with “When Lambo?”

Crypto calendar  ????


TBA         - Justin Sun's lunch with Warren Buffett

What you said


"How much do you agree with this statement: "I am so bored by the recent crypto market's low volatility.""


The average vote was 6.1. 16.7% of y'all voted a '1', and 38.9% of y'all voted a '10'! 

"Why or why not?"



We need more roller coasters!!! we need more fun!!! – No vol, no fun. ????



I'm getting older and need it to break to the upside, so I can keep from winding up homeless. – Lmao not sure if srs or. ????



We need stable coins not volatile coins for the crypto market to takeoff – Don’t we have those already? ????



It's totally controlled and manipulated by exchanges, banksters, governments – Possibly!



I dunno if bored is the right feel. More like, "Enough heart palpitations, get me to the moon already!" ha ha – Don’t think the heart palpitations will ever stop when you’re in the crypto space. ????



seems like somebody is just playing around with crypto and it;s getting nowhere. – Hmm, greater forces at work? Possibly!



not bored. but one thing is sure all shit coins will we worthless.. less them & get into good projects.. i am accumulating bitcoin, ethereum, grin, beam, zilliqa, cosmos & few more.. next phase these can make good gains.. – Yeah, not many are gonna make it out of this winter. ????



I'm okay with it, gives me the opportunity to fill bags and grow my ETH so I can earn interest when the time comes. But even with my DCA approach I wish I knew what was coming so I can plan accordingly(But i'm being greedy). – Yeah I feel ya. But cant let those emotions get to ya. Just keep DCA-ing and stick to the plan! ????



Its been too long since bull run – It might take awhile.



Volitilty price action may suck but this lull is.... ugh! – I’d rather watch paint dry tbh.



It is what it is.... everything comes to those who wait (well sometimes it does) ???? - It will ????



It’s a great chart – Great time to buy if u ask me.



Life is a never ending preparation for war – Sounds like a line from some strategy book like Sun Tzu’s art of war. ????



I have to say this is a 1, the suspense is killing me. I've been waiting for the drop to low $6000's for Bitcoin, and mid $130s for ETH to buy in. HODL and trade. - !!! I personally think we will see movements to those levels as well. There is still overhead resistance. ????



I feel like it’s being manipulated which is disappointing – Haha which market isn’t manipulated?



seems they all stay stable – for now (:



Very bored, but will always HODL strong! – HODL gang!



It's very boring , I'm loosing trust in Bitcoin – You really shouldn’t!  ????

Thank you all for reading! Catch you back here again tomorrow for your daily dose of crypto news! ????

See you again tomorrow!

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The post Nike tokenizing shoes on the blockchain appeared first on CoinMarketCap.

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