“What You Said” (Feb. 24), a Weekly Round-Up of Sentiments From the Community

Publikováno: 25.2.2020

Welcome back to our weekly blog series, “What You Said,” where we conduct fun polls for our community and shareContinue Reading

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Welcome back to our weekly blog series, “What You Said,” where we conduct fun polls for our community and share some of the most interesting sentiments!

After you’ve read this post, be sure to check out the CoinMarketCap daily newsletter, where more entertaining polls are conducted each and every day! These are polls you too can participate in! We love hearing what you have to say, so do subscribe! ????

Today’s Poll

What You Said in Last Week’s Polls

Here are some of the more interesting responses from the polls of last week ????:

How much do you agree with this statement: “Cryptocurrencies will become mainstream by 2025.”

– CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter, 2/17/2020

The average response to the above question was 6.7.
4.8% of you voted 0, and 28.2% of you voted 10.
Here are some of your “whys” or “why nots”:

  • “The next economical crisis which is bound to happen in the next few years will create the perfect condition to introduce alternatives such as Bitcoin and Ethereum” – That could be a possibility. It could also threaten the USD’s position as the world’s global reserve currency. ????
  • “Adoption Is really hard if most people treat crypto currency as an investment when it should be used somehow as cash.” – True. I understand many of us are hodling hard because we believe in the long term value of our crypto assets, but we really should be spending a little every now and then to encourage adoption! ????
  • “The internet needed about 15-20 years to reach mainstream. Now with the internet established, the tech behind Crypto and its advantages will take about the same time to reach mainstream due to its complicated nature and the resistance it is facing from powerful entities.” – Yeah, it might take some time. However, I don’t think crypto shares the same adoption curve timeframe as the internet. I think it will happen a lot quicker than we expect. ⚡
  • “The more money is artificially made, the less people will trust fiat currencies such as the dollar or the Euro and will take refuge in safe stores of value such as Bitcoin or other decentralized, non-confiscable and censorship-resistant cryptocurrencies!” – Ray Dalio said it best: ‘Cash is trash!’ ????

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How much do you agree with this statement: “Crypto has changed my life for the better.”

– CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter, 2/19/2020

The average response to the above question was 6.8.
15.6% of you voted 1, and 43.8% of you voted 10.
Here are some of our favorite responses:

  • yes, crypto got me into coding, it offers me security. yes there are days, not when markets down, i feel like saying im out, but crux of matter, crypto gave me what i have, if not, probably still would have worked 60+ hour week in retail and be depressed skeleton.” – That’s really good to hear mate! Glad it helped push you in the right direction. ????
  • It should have done. I invested $10,000 in March 2017 and it stood at $417,000 in January 2018. Like an idiot I continued to hold most of it. So the answer is no, not yet, but my expectations remain high. – Well you live and you learn… Always good to take profits here and there! ????
  • A big ’10’ here -I got curious, took a couple courses, learned the depth and potential impact of crypto on basically everything, know it’s the future in many ways, and most important invested during the lows of December of 2019. Wish I got curious a few years back! – Wow that is so nice to hear. Glad you’re here on the journey with all of us! To the moon! ????
  • Not yet, but everything comes to those who wait (just hope it’s not too long)!! – Hahaha, it has been awhile hasn’t it? ???? I see it as a blessing tho… more time to build and grow yo bags!

How much do you agree with this statement: “Cryptocurrencies is the most exciting asset class right now.”

– CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter, 2/20/2020

The average response to the above question was 8.
13.8% of you voted 1, and 67.7% of you voted 10.
Here are some of your “whys” or “why nots”:

  • “It has the most potential going forward. I’m spread out in various investments. But the one that excites me the most is my crypto. I read about several countries trying to develop their own crypto currency.” – Great that you’re diversified. Yes, many countries are conducting pilot programs for their central bank digital currencies (CDBCs). They ain’t gonna be decentralized tho! ????
  • I am a 76 year old trader, options writer, commodity trader and stock trader. Never in all years have I been involved in such a exciting technology. This is a true David and Goliath opportunity. – That’s very reassuring coming from someone like you with so much experience! ????????
  • “It’s an easy way to make good money. It’s exciting!!! Nothing about it is boring like traditional investments….FYI this is coming from someone in the investment world for 27 years. – Glad you find it so appealing! It ain’t that easy though! Always proceed with caution, as this is a highly volatile asset class rn. ????
  • “Crypto including blockchain and smart contracts will prove to be a paradigm change that will affect the entire world, societies, finance and government – I believe so too. It has the potential to disrupt a myriad of industries! ????

Like what you see? For more daily polls, subscribe to the CoinMarketCap daily newsletter for a concise summary of market performance and top news! ????

The post “What You Said” (Feb. 24), a Weekly Round-Up of Sentiments From the Community appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog.

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