Building Your Own Subscription Newsletter

(This is a sponsored post.) I did a sponsored video the other week explaining how to build a paid subscription newsletter using WordPress (we did it on but it could be hosted anywhere), MailPoet (a plugin to visually … The post Building Your Own Subscription Newsletter appeared...

Firefox’s `bolder` Default is a Problem for Variable Fonts

Variable fonts make it easy to create a large set of font styles from a single font file. Unfortunately, the default rendering of the <b> and <strong> elements in browsers today is not very compatible with the wide range of … The post Firefox’s `bolder` Default is a Problem...

Inspirational Websites Roundup #29

A new collection of the best web designs and creative websites from the past couple of weeks. The post Inspirational Websites Roundup #29 appeared first on Codrops

Early Days for CSS Scoping

There is a working draft spec for CSS scoping now, a newsworthy event for the W3C. Other than a weird period where <style scoped shipped and then was subsequently removed from the spec (and browsers), this is the furthest a … The post Early Days for CSS Scoping appeared first...

Creating Interactive Product Pages With React and Cloudinary

With Cloudinary and React, create low-bandwidth, interactive product pages for e-commerce on which shoppers can specify sizes, colors, and custom text. The post Creating Interactive Product Pages With React and Cloudinary appeared first on Codrops

AWS Lambdas: Easy, Easier, Easiest

I’d say cloud functions are one of the most transformative technologies in the last bunch of years. They are (usually) cheap, scale well, secure in their inherit isolation, and often written in JavaScript—comfortable territory for front-end developers. Nearly every cloud … The post...

Links on Performance IV

HTTP Caching is a Superpower — Hugh Haworth covers how the Cache-Control header is an awfully potent ingredient in web performance. I mis-read the title at first and was waiting to read about HTML caching. Hugh covers it a bit … The post Links on Performance IV appeared first...

Collective #677

The Beauty of Bézier Curves * Why are hyperlinks blue? * Crafting Organic Patterns The post Collective #677 appeared first on Codrops

You don’t need external assets in an HTML file

A fun exercise from Terence Eden. You can send an HTML file over the wire including anything a website might need without requesting any other files. CSS and JavaScript are easy, because there are <script and <style tags. Images and … The post You don’t need external assets...

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