Min and Max Width/Height in CSS

Here's a nice deep dive into min-width / min-height / max-width / max-height from Ahmad Shadeed. I like how Ahmad applies the properties to real-world design situations in addition to explaining how it works. In the very first demo, for example, he shows a button where min-width is used as a method...

Building Multi-Directional Layouts

There are some new features in CSS that can assist us with building layouts for different directions and languages with ease. This article is about CSS logical properties and values (e.g. margin-inline-start).  These are a W3C working draft that still going under heavy editing, but have...

Component-Level CMSs

When a component lives in an environment where the data queries populating it live nearby, there is a pretty direct line between the visual component and the database where that exact content lives. That is opening up doors to site editing experiences that travel that line. We're starting to...

This Page is Designed to Last

Jeff Huang, while going through his collection of bookmarks, sadly finds a lot of old pages gone from the internet. Bit rot. It's pretty bad. Most of what gets published on the web disappears. Thankfully, the Internet Archive gets a lot of it. Jeff has seven things that he thinks will help make...

Build a dynamic JAMstack app with GatsbyJS and FaunaDB

In this article, we explain the difference between single-page apps (SPAs) and static sites, and how we can bring the advantages of both worlds together in a dynamic JAMstack app using GatsbyJS and FaunaDB. We will build an application that pulls in some data from FaunaDB during build time...

Amelia Wattenberger’s The CSS Cascade

If you're on a small screen, remind yourself to check it out on a big screen when you have the chance. Did you know that styles from an active transition beat !important rules, but styles from an active animation do not? I definitely did not. Or that there are "origins" that are almost like...

Collective #583

The CSS Cascade * Sideway * Teaching in the open: Eleventy * Form Design Patterns Collective #583 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

The Web in 2020: Extensibility and Interoperability

In the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of change and diversion in regard to web technologies. In 2020, I foresee us as a web community heading toward two major trends/goals: extensibility and interoperability. Let’s break those down. Extensibility Extensibility describes...

Bad accessibility equals bad quality

Here’s a smart post from Manuel Matuzovic where he digs into why accessibility is so important for building websites: Web accessibility is not just about keyboard users, color contrast or screen readers. Accessibility is a perfect indicator for the quality of a website. Accessibility is strongly...

Hamburger ☰ Heaven

A pleasant little romp through iconography and culture from Sophia Lucero. The "hamburger" menu icon we're familiar with now is really a sign from Taoist cosmology. Besides ☰, which represents heaven 天, we have ☱ for lake/marsh 澤, ☲ for fire 火, ☳ for thunder 雷, ☴ for wind 風, ☵ for water 水,...

How to Unroll Images with Three.js

Discover the basic concept behind an unrolling image effect using WebGL. How to Unroll Images with Three.js was written by Yuriy Artyukh and published on Codrops


January 15th, 2020 was the day Microsoft Edge went Chromium. A drop in browser engine diversity. There is a strong argument to be made that's not good for an ecosystem. Looked at another way, perhaps not so bad: Perhaps diversity has just moved scope. Rather than the browser engines themselves...

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