10 React Challenges (Beginner): Render Props

Render Props allows React components to share reusable or customizable interfaces as functions through props. In this react challenge, we will render 3 different cards with a single card com

Collective #524

The Layout Instability API * Write HTML Like It's 1999 * JavaScript questions * Pika CDN * The Economics of Open Source Collective #524 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

React Starter: The Many Ways to Return JSX

JSX is a great tool because it has so much flexibility. There are many ways to achieve the same thing. For this reason, it can be confusing for new developers when they see different tactics for de

Drawing Realistic Clouds with SVG and CSS

Greek mythology tells the story of Zeus creating the cloud nymph, Nephele. Like other Greek myths, this tale gets pretty bizarre and X-rated. Here’s a very abridged, polite version. Nephele, we are told, was created by Zeus in the image of his own beautiful wife. A mortal meets Nephele, falls...

A11Y with Lindsey

Lindsey Kopacz has a wonderful blog about accessibility. I've seen a number of her articles making the rounds lately and I was like, dang I better make sure I'm subscribed. For example: An Introduction to ARIA States 3 Simple Tips to Improve Keyboard Accessibility Create custom keyboard accessible...

Grid, content re-ordering and accessibility

Take this: <ol> <li>Get hungry</li> <li>Order pizza</li> <li>Eat pizza</li> </ol> That HTML ends up in the DOM that way (and thus how it is is exposed to assistive technology), and by default, those list items are also visually...

Using Cypress to Write Tests for a React Application

End-to-end tests are written to assert the flow of an application from start to finish. Instead of handling the tests yourself — you know, manually clicking all over the application — you can write a test that runs as you build the application. That’s what we call continuous integration and it’s...

Detect Responsive Screen Sizes in Angular

Most of the time, we use CSS media queries to handle responsive, screen size changes to layout our content differently. However, there are times where CSS media queries alone isn't sufficient for t

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