How to Use BigCommerce on Your WordPress Site

BigCommerce is a headless eCommerce solution that allows you to build storefronts on different platforms. Each storefront acts as a separate channel so that you can sell your products... The post How to Use BigCommerce on Your WordPress Site appeared first on Onextrapixel

Everything You Need to Know About Date in JavaScript

Date is weird in JavaScript. It gets on our nerves so much that we reach for libraries (like Date-fns and Moment) the moment (ha!) we need to work with date and time. But we don't always need to use libraries. Date can actually be quite simple if you know what to watch out for. In this article...

How to Detect Text in Images

Images are a great way to communicate without text but oftentimes images are used/abused to spread text within social media and advertisements. Text in images also presents an accessibility issue. The truth is that it’s important, for any number of reasons, to be able to detect text in image...

React Starter: JSX Basics

JSX is the templating language for React. JSX is also one of the main reasons why devs say they dislike React at first. As with all new tools, there will be a learning curve. JSX is no diffe

Draggable Image Strip

A draggable image strip layout with a content preview powered by Draggabilly and TweenMax. Draggable Image Strip was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Collective #523

Function-based Component API in Vue * Brutalist HTML quine * The Anatomy of a Jellyfish * Collective #523 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Level up your .sort game

Sorting is a super handy JavaScript method that can display the values of an array in a certain order. Whether that’s real estate listings by price, burger joints by distance, or best nearby happy hours by rating, sorting arrays of information is a common need. If you’re already doing this with...

Designing with Motifs

I love the way Erik Kennedy talks about digital design. Very practical and understandable. Have a listen to a chat with him we had on ShopTalk. One of his latest blog posts is titled "The #1 Way to Spice Up Your Designs (And Create a More Cohesive Brand)" and it's about something he pegs as more...

Using DevTools to Improve the UX Design to Development Process

I’d like to tell you how I see code and design intersect and support one another. Specifically, I want to cover how designers can use code in their everyday work. I suggest this not because it’s a required skill, but because even a baseline understanding of coding can make designs better and...

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