Collective #410
Publikováno: 26.4.2018
Native-Like Animations * Grid to Flex * Sketch UX Kit * Day.js * Classroomies * Recurss * Animating Progress * VHS Effects
Collective #410 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.
Inspirational Website of the Week: Barovier & Toso
Unique interactions and perfect fluidity made us pick Barovier & Toso as inspirational website this week.
Elementor Unveils The Ultimate Theme Builder for WordPress
Elementor is the all-in-one tool for customizing your entire WordPress website visually. Go beyond your theme limitations, and design anything you can imagine. Take control over your site’s header, footer, single post, archive page and all other areas of your site, all without a single line of code.
Native-Like Animations for Page Transitions on the Web
Learn how to create slick page transitions in Vue.js in this tutorial by Sarah Drasner.
Grid to Flex
Flexbox fallbacks for popular UI solutions that use CSS Grid. By Una Kravets.
CSS Blocks
CSS Blocks by LinkedIn is a component-oriented CSS authoring system that compiles to high-performance stylesheets.
ReactCircle renders a customizable SVG circle with a progress percentage. By Hector Zarco.
Mario Kart: CSS
Read about Stephen Cook’s fantastic interactive Mario Kart demo with no images or JavaScript, only HTML and CSS.
Recurss is a collection of recursive CSS demos. These demos work by styling only nested divs.
Unicons Icon Set
A pixel perfect icon set of 200 essential, line-style icons.
Sketch UX Kit
A nice wireframing and prototyping template for your next project.
Redesigning A Digital Interior Design Shop (A Case Study)
A very insighful case study of an interior design shop redesign by Boyan Kostov.
Classroomies Beta
Join a chat (classroom) and watch a 24/7 broadcast of Stanford lectures on the topics of Startups, Computer Science and Business.
A date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API.
Flowerpot Slider
A fun, wiggly slider by Chris Gannon.
SVG Path layout
One of Vincent De Oliveira’s experiments with the latest CSS Houdini spec.
Animating Progress
An article by Jonathan Snook where he digs into the tricky task of animating the <progress> element.
Testing Strategies for React and Redux
Read about well working testing strategies that the Firefox Add-ons team is using for React and Redux.
Duotone Effect Generator
Create duotone images quickly with this generator.
Lost Without You
A great game by Jack Rugile and Nicolle Witte for the Game Jam event “Ludum Dare 41”.
Using pseudo-elements with CSS Grid
Some interesting layout problem solving with CSS grid and pseudo-elements. By Michelle Barker.
VHS Effects (regl)
A cool VHS camera effects using regl.
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Collective #410 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.