Collective #433

Publikováno: 16.7.2018

Guppy * CSS: A New Kind Of JavaScript * Font Playground * ramd.js * Track * did.txt file * Seedbank * V8N * Stitches

Collective #433 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Celý článek


Term Sheets

With Term Sheets you can create animated terminal presentations and export them as SVG, animated GIF, or HTML with CSS.

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First Input Delay

Learn how you can use First Input Delay (FID) in the Chrome UX Report to measures the time that it takes for a web page to respond to the first user interaction with the page.

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did.txt file

Patrick Tran shows how to create an insanely simple “did” file accessible by terminal.

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Nuclear Dissent

A great documentary and web experience about the tragic fate of the victims of France’s terrible nuclear tests in French Polynesia.

Watch it



Seedbank is a registry and search engine for Colab(oratory) notebooks for and around machine learning for rapid exploration and learning.

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Great for your next design project: some new gradient hues and swatches were added to coolHue.

Check it out

Collective #433 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

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