Make Browsing GitHub Easier and Faster with Octotree

Publikováno: 22.4.2019

GitHub is an amazing tool that many of us developers use on a daily basis. While GitHub has many great features, one thing that I've always found it to lack is browsing speed. They've got keyboard ...

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GitHub is an amazing tool that many of us developers use on a daily basis. While GitHub has many great features, one thing that I've always found it to lack is browsing speed. They've got keyboard shortcuts to get to the search bar (/) but it still isn't the easiest.

If you want to browse files you have to click through each individual folder and into each file; each click brings a page navigation.

Wouldn't it be great to have a file explorer on the left of GitHub like we have in VS Code?

With the OctotreeChrome Extension we can! Browsing in GitHub has become much faster for me after adding Octotree. Octotree just released version 3 with a bunch of new features so now is a great time to install the Chrome Extension.

Octotree gives us a file explorer for a GitHub repo

Octotree works in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Here's a quick gif of using Octotree on a repo we made in one of our Twitch streams.

Here's a look at some more features:

Free vs Paid Versions

The free version gets us pretty far with the file explorer. The paid version gets us a few more things like sidebar docking, dark mode, file search, Safari support and more. I'm currently rocking the free version but will definitely upgrade to support and to get the dark mode.

That dark mode ????????.


Octotree is a simple tool that adds a lot of functionality to a site we developers visit every day. Give it a look and let me know what you think in the comments!

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