VS Code June Update: Status Bar Updates, Indent Guides, and more

Publikováno: 8.7.2019

It's amazing that VS Code can consistently come out with meaningful updates month after month. The commitment that team has to the needs of the community...

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It's amazing that VS Code can consistently come out with meaningful updates month after month. The commitment that team has to the needs of the community is impressive. The June 1.36 update is out now.

This update comes with some cosmetic upgrades and also some nice quality of life improvements.

Hide/Show Status Bar Elements

This is the biggest part of this update. I recently hid my Activity Bar in favor of only having information in the Status Bar. I could probably get away with not having the status bar visible at all either. Will try that this week.

If you are in favor of keeping the status bar however, we now have the ability to clean up the Status Bar and make our VS Code that much more minimal.

Explorer Indent Guides

This is a small quality of life improvement. In the explorer sidebar, you can now see indent guides.

Sequential Task Execution

When running tasks through VS Code, we can now specify the order that they run.

    "label": "One",
    "type": "shell",
    "command": "echo Hello ",
    "dependsOrder": "sequence",

Better Terminal Shell Selector

We can now decide which terminal shell is our default. Since I'm on Windows here, I'll be using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Jump to Cursor Debugging

There's a new debug command for Jump to Cursor. It lets you move program execution to a new location without executing any of the code in between.

The Rest

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