WDRL — Edition 295: CSS Parent Selectors, Interoperability of the web, web3 reflections and sanitizing.

Publikováno: 1.2.2022

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It is January February already, and it feels like time flies. In the world of technology, there are always so many news, trends, and possible distractions. On top of that, we already have so much work to do, projects to finish, and people to please. It is easy to feel empty or get burned out. Plus, we still live in the middle of an uncomfortable situation for everyone, a so far unseen pandemic situation; This causes a lot of mental problems on its own and drains a lot of energy from us.

What we can do in this case — although it’s hard to accept — is slowing down.

When I feel overwhelmed, I try to go outside as much as possible. I will get some fresh air, have a long walk and reflect on the things I do. I try to answer the question: »What brings me joy in web development?«. After that, I find myself working more calmly and happily.

Now, if you have the time and energy, you can read through some interesting articles we curated for you. This week, Malte wrote the intro.


  • Cory Doctorow by the EFF shares some of the issues of today’s web and how that may change over the next years as both U.S. and the EU initialized law proposals for better interoperability of services and software. There’s quite some interesting stuff in the article.
  • Arnold Galovics shares his first-hand experiences with microservices. He offers some strong arguments on why microservices might not be a good fit for your next project.



  • esbuild is a new JavaScript compiler that’s super fast and could shake up the current tooling world.
  • ParcelCSS is a super fast parser, transpiler, and minified for CSS. It’s so fast because it’s not a node.js tool but written in Rust.


  • This is something I love to see coming to our browsers: The HTML Sanitizer API. If that becomes reality, we finally get a safer frontend web and our written JavaScript code is slimmer and less bloated up with sanitising libraries. Until then (and maybe afterwards as we still need it for some cases), we can use DOMPurify.

Web Performance



  • Stephanie Eckles has a short code snippet how to standardise focus styles on a web project easily with CSS custom properties.



Work & Life

I was busy and productive, which made me feel important and accomplished. Yet my heart told me a different story.
    Andrew Rocha on how to prioritise important things and why everything else is extra. Apps aren’t solving these matters, we need to.

Go beyond…

  • When we buy something, we get an immediate boost. But what happens once we have the item for a few days? Most of the time, it doesn’t match our expectations of becoming a happier person by buying it. Leo shares his findings on buying less and focus on the inner self to solve these issues. With that in mind, we tend to buy only really useful things while being happier overall. Win-win.
  • There is currently a lot of hype around crypto and web3 around. Moxie Marlinspike shares his impressions and down-to-earth thoughts on those topics. But even if you’re not very interested in web3, this article reveals a couple of interesting problems with the current system. For example the fact that “Even nerds do not want to run their own servers at this point.”
  • As service platform provider, should you clean up your inactive users regularly or collect them for your numbers instead? Here’s the Flare app team sharing why and how they remove inactive users and teams.

I hope you’re doing fine and have a way to stay positive, find your way to make an impact and help build a better society, better friendships and make our world a little better.
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