Uživatelé Steamu zvolili hry roku, výsledky vás nejspíš nepřekvapí

O výsledcích rozhodovaly miliony uživatelů Steamu, dlouhodobě nejpopulárnějšího digitálního obchodu s hrami. Ve většině kategorií zvítězily očekávatelné tituly, jejichž jména se skloňují ve většině výročních anket včetně nedávných „herních Oscarů“ Game Awards

Play These Classic Games Created In Communist Czechoslovakia

A project by the Slovak Game Developers Association has seen a collection of Communist-era early video games receive their first English translation, and a digital release, offering a unique insight to early ‘80s Eastern Europe.Read more

These Pokémon Keycaps Have Won My Heart

I’m looking down at my spacebar in absolute shame. It’s just plain white. And yet, it could be the absolutely beautiful work of keycap maker, Hirosart, containing a diorama of Pokémon in their natural setting.Read more

Steam Breaks New Record, With More Players Than Ever Before

As the unstoppable virus of Sundays continues its gruesome pandemic into a new week, it seems more humans than ever are turning to video games in order to survive. On the 10th Sunday since the outbreak began, January 2, Steam broke its concurrent user record, hitting just shy of 28 million.Read more

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