The 10 Best Cars In Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 is a lot like your local used car dealership in that both dominate your TV screen for hours at night with the siren song of “500 cars!!!” So the question isn’t if you’re going to buy a new car. Rather, it’s what you’re going to buy.Read more

GTA Trilogy's San Andreas Now Feels Depressing Without Its Signature Fog

When I was younger, I remember thinking the map in Rockstar’s classic GTA San Andreas was massive. It sure felt that way, thanks in large part to the view-obscuring fog. Well, all that fog is gone in the newly released remastered trilogy collection, and it makes the whole world feel tiny and sad....

Netflix's Cowboy Bebop Live-Action Series Needs Some Damn Color

Since dropping the first official trailer in late September, Netflix has tweeted a few side-by-side comparisons of Cowboy Bebop, showing how the upcoming live-action adaptation compares to the original anime series. One takeaway of mine? It looks promising. The other takeaway? It really needs some...

PS5 Owners Don’t Play Sony’s First-Party Games

It’s hard to believe, but a year ago to the date, Sony officially released the PlayStation 5 (well, in the States; globally it came out on November 19). Despite serious supply issues, an estimated 13 million players have been able to get their hands on one. And they’ve used these coveted next-gen...

The New Tales Of Action-RPG You Probably Don't Know About

The Tales series returned in flashy fashion this September with Tales of Arise, the 17th mainline title and one that breathed some life into the long-running action-RPG franchise. That’s a proper Tales game, replete with an anime opening and fast gameplay and all the good stuff series fans love....

GTA Trilogy Pulled For PC, Rockstar Launcher Broken

Something has gone very, very wrong since yesterday’s launch of GTA Trilogy on PC. As of last night, all mention of a PC version has been removed from Rockstar’s own site, and the Rockstar Games Launcher app has gone completely offline. Anyone who bought it before it vanished is currently unable...

Vydavatelé střílečky Call of Duty se omluvili za neuctivé zobrazení Koránu

Nový díl oblíbené série Call of Duty vyšel teprve před týdnem a jeho autoři už musí řešit první aféru. Mnohým muslimským hráčům se totiž nelíbilo, že v jedné z jejích map jsou po zemi poházené listy Koránu, po kterých je možné i šlapat nebo je postříkat krví. Activision proto záplatou kontroverzní...

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