2K Signs Tiger Woods, Buys The Studio Behind PGA Tour 2K21
From 1998 through 2013 golf superstar Tiger Woods was the face of EA’s PGA Tour series of video games. Now Woods is back in the video game business, only this time he’s signed an exclusive long-term contract with 2K as the face, executive director, and consultant on the PGA Tour 2K series. Along...
Get Hype for This Sale on HyperX Gaming Accessories
HyperX Sale | AmazonHyperX Sale | Best BuyRead more
Fanoušek významně zkrátil nahrávací časy v GTA V, autoři ho odměnili
Šikovnému amatérovi se podařilo napravit významnou chybu v kódu oblíbené hry Grand Theft Auto V, která zbytečně prodlužovala nahrávání nových map při online zápolení. Studio Rockstar chybu uznalo a fanouška odměnilo čtvrt milionem korun
Former Pop Idol Arrested In Japan Over Fraud Allegations
Former pop star Juna Yamada has been arrested for allegedly swindling money from a man she met through a dating site.Read more
This Pikachu Caterpillar Plushie Looks Freaky
The listing for this AliExpress product says “Pikachued,” and that’s exactly how I feel after looking at it.Read more
Pohybové ovládání Zeldy: Skyward Sword HD má být intuitivnější
Animator And Character Designer Minako Shiba Dies
Today, both P.A. Works and Studio Pierrot announced on Twitter Minako Shiba has died.Read more
Fortnite's Season 6 Is Wilderness Themed
Fortnite’s Season 6 is here, following a solo event rather than a multiplayer one. Called “Primal,” it features a forest area, weapons crafting, and wildlife.Read more
Podívejte se na 9 minut z hraní akce Deathloop
Podívejte se na devět minut z hraní akce Deathloop
Nezávislý hit Undertale míří do Game Passu
PlayStation Communities, A Service I Didn't Even Know Existed, Is Going Away
This week marks the first and last time I have ever heard of PlayStation Communities, a service that apparently let users hang out in custom forums/group chats on the PS4 and talk about specific stuff.Read more