The Walking Dead Turned a Beautiful Episode Into a Brutal Lesson

Admittedly, the primary portion of The Walking Dead’s educational plan is telling its students that in the case of a zombie apocalypse, almost everyone will turn into killers if not monsters (literal or figurative). And after a quiet, languid, enjoyable story focused on getting to know more about...

Streamers Play With Call Of Duty Actor, Get Suspended For Cheating

Streamer Alex Zedra—the face behind an actual character in Call of Duty—was playing Warzone the other day with two other folks when she noticed some pretty suspect behaviour. And hey, surprise, the two people she was playing with have now had their Twitch channels suspended for cheating.Read more

"We Just Despise The Police": Persona 5 Strikers Is OK

If you’ve played Persona 5 you’ll know that, aside from a few notable exceptions, Tokyo’s cops are kid-torturing assholes. So it’s little wonder that in the game’s kinda-sequel, the Phantom Thieves have no time for them.Read more

The Week In Games: Eat Some Brains All Over Again

The loveable and a bit decayed Stubbs the zombie returns in... Stubs The Zombie, a remastered port of the cult classic game releasing later this week on Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and PC.Read more

14 Years Ago Rockstar Ran Weird TV Ads Of Just A Clock Counting Down

Back in 2007, Rockstar Games teased Grand Theft Auto IV with a series of late-night ads that appeared on channels like FX. All the ads amounted to were 30 minutes of watching a clock tick down, with every second punctuated by a gunshot. Young Zack, ever the sucker, fell for the hype hard. Read more

'Shop Contest: Bethesda+Microsoft

It’s official. Microsoft has completed its purchase of Bethesda. They had a whole roundtable discussion about it and everything. (More importantly, it was officially approved by regulators.) Let’s have some fun with these two companies now stapled together like some hideous mega-beast. Read more

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