YouTube Might Be Getting Rid Of The Dislike Count

YouTube just announced that, “in response to creator feedback around well-being and targeted dislike campaigns”, the site is testing some new designs that “don’t show the public dislike count”.Read more

Apex Legends Skins Delayed After Company Changes Its Name Mid-Promotion

This week was supposed to see the release of a new set of branded skins for Apex Legends, done in collaboration with streetwear label Chinatown Market, but that company’s decision to rebrand in between the skins’ announcement and release means Respawn currently has them on hold.Read more

RECENZE: Pobouřil Číňany a dva roky nešel koupit. Jaký je horor Devotion?

Tchajwanský horor Devotion způsobil před dvěma roky obrovský poprask. Vývojáři do něj nenápadně propašovali na první pohled nevinný vtípek, kterým přirovnali čínského prezidenta k Medvídkovi Pú. To rozzlobilo tamní veřejnost natolik, že hra byla stažena z obchodů a legálně si ji můžeme koupit...

24 Action-Adventure Movies With Ass-Kicking Women

Growing up, my favorite movies were Indiana Jones, The Lord of the Rings, James Bond—anything with action and adventure. They typically starred daring men, but as a young woman I started admiring more powerful, smart women who could command a room. Fast forward to today, and more women than ever...

How Star Wars' Biggest Fan Wiki Found Itself in a Fight Over Trans Identity

If you’re a Star Wars fan online, there stands a high chance that you’ve not only heard of Wookieepedia—the Fandom-owned community resource archiving eons of material from the franchise—but spent more time than you’d like to admit looking up everything from Ickabel G’ont to the history of the Grysk...

It Takes Two Creates An Almost-Perfect Union Of Story And Gameplay

Traditional co-op gaming experiences can sometimes feel similar to solo play: another player picks up a controller, and a second avatar pops onto your screen that works almost exactly in the same way you do. This can be a blessing for people with limited time to game, but it can mean that...

Remade Wipeout Intro Reminds Us The Franchise's Return Is Long Overdue

Of all the dormant racing game franchises — and there are many — Wipeout’s absence feels the most criminal. Developers at Sony’s long-defunct Studio Liverpool arguably never put a foot wrong throughout the anti-gravity racing series’ history, so long as you consider 2002's Wipeout Fusion...

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