Deset věcí, které jste možná nevěděli o Diablu

Kultovní akční RPG z dílny Blizzardu brzy oslaví čtvrtstoletí existence. I když každý fanoušek videoher zná tuto klasiku nazpaměť, určitě se najde pár zajímavostí, které jste o ní ještě nevěděli

Sony Imagines A Future Where A Banana Is A Video Game Controller

Gamers love making weird shit into controllers, including but not limited to pomegranates, light sabers, bananas, and bread. Apparently, Sony wants to get in on that action, according to a patent recently surfaced by that details a method for turning household objects into...

Maquette's Love Story Has Already Broken My Heart

Ever listen to a song so powerful you stop, drop, and roll to frantically figure out what it is? That’s what happened to me last night while playing Maquette, a puzzle game out this week for PC, PS4, and PS5. Yes, the game’s fantastic, which we’ll get to in a moment, but first: that song.Read more

Damn You, Fortnite Butter Barn Song

This season of Fortnite has been a whirlwind of crossover skins and deranged players hoping that Epic puts Family Guy’s Peter Griffin in the game. But the latest in-demand item is a possible music track—the song “Butter Barn Hoedown.” The supposedly leaked track somehow, impossibly, rules?Read more

Chaos Walking Has Too Much Walking, Too Little Chaos

Actually, let me take that back slightly—there is quite a lot of chaos in Chaos Walking, but only in the sense that attempting to navigate a coherent arc through its jumbled, disjointed scenes is a frustratingly messy ask of its audience. Despite its big names, Chaos Walking’s languid energy...

How Persona 5 Strikers Did (And Didn’t) Steal Our Hearts

At long last, the Phantom Thieves ride again as Persona 5 Strikers—the Atlus RPG turned Koei Tecmo hack and slash—is out in North America. I’m a big Persona 5 nerd and I’ve been anxiously waiting for fellow nerd Luke Plunkett to get far enough into the game that I could finally have someone with...

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