Characters Who Helped Us Make It Through 2020

Twenty-twenty has been a year of seeking comfort in media, both in the nostalgia of old favorites and the exciting discovery of new and excellent stories. This year, more than any recently, we’ve looked for new bonds and new characters to fall in love with. Here are the heroes who kept us going...

Ash Parrish's Top 10 Games Of 2020

Ahh! My first “Top 10 Games” post for Kotaku, so exciting! Arriving here has fundamentally changed my relationship with gaming. I have a lot more time to play a lot more brand-spankin’ new games, versus the slow arrival to already well-beloved titles that was typical of my pre-Kotaku life. So...

Here's January 2021's Xbox Live Games With Gold

Writing “2021” in a headline is giving me more feelings than I expected, so thanks for that, Xbox. January’s Games with Gold lineup is a mix of horror and fighting games; as always, these games are only “free” if you have an active Xbox Live Gold Subscription.Read more

The Witcher's Blooper Reel Declares Henry Cavill a 'Sexy Greased Pig'

Netflix has released a blooper reel for The Witcher, centered around our beloved Geralt (Henry Cavill) trying hard to keep a straight face while greased-up on a bed, flubbing his lines, and standing by while Roach takes a shit in the background. Well, the book does say “everybody poops.”Read more

7 Games To Play With Your Kids Over Christmas

For parents, the Christmas vacation is, at its best, a fortnight of Sundays. No school, but also everything else is closed, too, and everyone you know is busy seeing family. 2020’s holiday break is, as is only proper for 2020, all of that but even harder. Two weeks of being at home, unable to...

Cyberpunk 1997

Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We have a city to burn. An original PlayStation-era city, courtesy of game developer Anders Lundbjörk’s completely accurate demake of Cyberpunk 2077. Read more

EVE Online Players Are Calling A Christmas Truce

Two of EVE Online’s biggest factions have been engaged in open war for the last six months, fighting for their continued existence on the server. Tensions are high, and players on both sides of the conflict are starting to show signs of wear and tear. What better way to provide those players...

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