Vývoj Bloodlines 2 bude svěřen novému studiu, hra letos určitě nevyjde
Měl to být jeden z černých koňů letošního roku, místo toho teď pokračování upírského RPG Vampire: The Masquarade vypadá na pořádný průšvih. Po několika změnách ve vedení byl projekt odebrán studiu Hardsuit Labs a jeho vývoj dokončí někdo jiný. Letos to ale určitě nebude
Mobilní MMO Warhammer: Odyssey je venku na iOS a Android
Forzu Horizon 4 rozšířil Hot Wheels Legends Car Pack
Multiplayer ve Watch Dogs: Legion se zprovozní v březnu
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 Delayed Past 2021, Developers Removed From Project, Preorders Halted
The troubled development of the sequel to Vampire: the Masquerade just got a lot more troubled, with publishers Paradox announcing tonight that not only will the game not be released in 2021 as originally planned, but that developers Hardsuit Labs have also been removed from the project.Read more
Kenny wasn’t like the other kids: An oral history of MTV’s Remote Control
A raucously sarcastic take on the game show genre, Remote Control burst onto MTV in 1987. Part of the cable channel’s first wave of non-video-centric shows, Remote Control skewered vintage pop culture with its “mom’s basement” style set, cigarette smoking commentators, and questions about...
The Half-Life 2 RTS Is Finally "Out" After 13 Years Of Development
For over a decade now, a group of fans have been working on Lambda Wars, a real-time strategy game set in the Half-Life universe. Originally a Half-Life 2 mod, and later a standalone beta, the thing is now finished, or as finished as a game ever gets these days, anyway.Read more
Don’t Worry: There Are Enough Analogue Pockets For Everyone
Last August, many of us missed out on pre-ordering a Pocket, the beautiful all-in-one handheld console from Seattle-based hardware manufacturer Analogue. With a restock now confirmed for 2021, the company has promised to beef up its servers and crack down on resellers to help ensure folks are able...
Stadia Developers Can't Fix The Bugs In Their Own Game Because Google Fired Them
Apart from the sacking of about 150 developers, the throttling of Google Stadia has left a ton of early adopters well and truly in the lurch. Stadia was maligned from the start, and if the latest experience of Stadia users is any indication, it’s sure as hell not leaving a positive impression...
Incredibly Rare Sega Arcade Game Found Rotting In A Field
Sega’s R360 was perhaps the most bombastic example of the company’s arcade 1980s arcade flex, a cabinet that only supported two games and of which only 200 units were ever made.Read more
Legendární porno průšvih BoneTown se vrátí na Steam. Tentokrát bez cenzury
Když v roce 2008 vyšla pornografická hra BoneTown, kritici ji zcela ztrhali. O třináct let později se toto „erotické Grand Theft Auto“ přesto vrátí ve vylepšené podobě a bez cenzury
Epic Settles Real Lawsuit With Fake Money
Fortnite players who purchased one of Save The World’s randomized Loot Llamas will receive 1000 V-Bucks, developer Epic announced today. The move comes as part of a preliminary class action settlement regarding loot boxes.Read more