Track: No Longer | Artist: YeYe X Moto Kawabe | Album: No Longer (single)
Track: No Longer | Artist: YeYe X Moto Kawabe | Album: No Longer (single) Read more
Easter egg Microsoftu. Nová sluchátka ukázal už loni s next-gen konzolemi
Microsoft v úterý oficiálně představil nová bezdrátová sluchátka Xbox Wireless Headset určená zejména k next-gen xboxům a PC s Windows 10. K vidění ovšem byla už v traileru před pár měsíci
Do Game Passu míří Elite Dangerous, DiRT 5 a další
Do Game Passu míří Elite Dangerous, DiRT 5 a další hry
Gina Torres on fighting demigods, flying through space, and the time she unofficially played Catwoman
The actor: “Formidable” is often used to describe Gina Torres’ onscreen presence, whether she’s playing the unflappable second-in-command on a ramshackle spaceship on Firefly, a midriff-baring Sumerian princess on Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, or a high-powered lawyer intent on making the most...
New Microsoft Program Could Help Devs Make Games More Accessible
Microsoft is starting a new program that will allow developers to send in Xbox and PC games to be evaluated by a team of accessibility experts, the company announced today.Read more
Metal Gear Solid's Board Game Has Been Cancelled
IDW was supposed to be releasing Metal Gear Solid: The Board Game later this year, but after a succession of delays the company has decided to walk away from the project instead.Read more
Valve & Netflix Are Making A DOTA Anime
Sure, why not?Read more
Stan LePard, Composer On Games Like Halo Reach & Guild Wars 2, Has Died
Stan LePard, a veteran composer who has worked in the video game business since 1994, died last week.Read more
Místo dopingu cheaty, cyklisté podvádějí i ve virtuálních závodech
Kvůli pandemii koronaviru se mnohé cyklistické závody přesunuly na internet. I přes pokročilá technická nastavení však pořadatelé nedokážou zabránit tomu, aby se se záznamy jízdy dodatečně nemanipulovalo
The ‘All Your Base Are Belong To Us’ Video Is Now 20 Years Old
The early aughts were a weird time. George H. W. Bush’s loser son somehow became president, god-awful bands like Crazy Town and Staind had songs on the Billboard Hot 100, and we made do with, like, one meme a year. In 2001 that meme was “All Your Base,” a Newgrounds video that ironically celebrated...
Friendship Ended with Azeroth, Now Final Fantasy XIV Is My Best Friend
I’ve done it. I’ve finally begun my journey with Final Fantasy XIV, after six years of aborted attempts I made it through the still strangely unfriendly onboarding process and am now roaming free in the world of Eorzea.Read more