Left 4 Dead Wiki Desecrated To Add Fifth Survivor, Who Is Now Canon, That's The Rules
In the original Left 4 Dead, there were four survivors: Francis, Bill, Louis and Zoey. Anyone reading through the game’s wiki, however, will think there’s actually a fifth cast member: Purple Francis.Read more
Flight Simulator ve VR: chvílemi jsem měl pocit, že opravdu sedím v letadle
Podpora virtuální reality ve fantastickém Flight Simulatoru 2020 sice má své mouchy, ale zážitek je to parádní. Na nejvyšší detaily však potřebujete opravdu silnou PC sestavu
The Week In Games: Sure, More Werewolves!
WolfTeam: Classic is coming to Steam, to let others and myself relive the bygone era of free-to-play PC shooters like Combat Arms. Read more
President Biden Only Just Beat His Granddaughter At Mario Kart
Over the weekend President Joe Biden made his first visit to the Presidental retreat known as Camp David and to relax he played some Mario Kart Arcade GP DX. The moment was shared by his granddaughter, Naomi Biden, on Instagram.Read more
'Shop Contest: Thicc Godzilla
♫Oooooh no, here comes the big boy, Thiczilla.♫Read more
Here's The PS1 Version Of The Witcher 3 Tub Scene
Sure, in our universe The Witcher 3 was released on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2015. But in an alternate universe, it was released in 1996 for the original PlayStation.Read more
Modder Adds Tifa Lockhart To Tekken 7
Tekken 7 already has a large roster of characters, including some odd guest characters. But now, thanks to a talented modder, you can play as Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy 7 Remake.Read more
Sunday Comics: Does This Spark Joy?
Hello! It’s time for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on the magnifying glass icon.Read more
Zack Snyder's New Justice League Trailer Ushers In a New Age of Heroes
It’s also living in a society. Yes, they went there.Read more
Sunday's Best Deals: Dash Compact Juicer, Xbox One and PS4 Controllers, Car Jump Starter, Corsair Virtuoso Headset, UNT Ready For Takeoff Peelable Base Coat, and More
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Záporačka z Resident Evila neděsí, lidé s ní chtějí mít sex
Lady Dimitrescu a její tři krvežíznivé dcery mají být hlavními antagonistkami chystaného pokračování slavné hororové série Resident Evil. Fanouškům se ovšem tato gigantická upírka natolik líbí, že v nich probouzí neobvyklé fantazie
'Shop Contest: Super Bowl 2021, Winners!
Well, as someone who doesn’t like Tom Brady and lives in the Kansas City area, that wasn’t my favorite Super Bowl to watch. But it did provide us with a great topic for last week’s contest. Read more