Celeste’s Chill Soundtrack Is Perfect For A Snow Day

Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today, let’s tune into Celeste, one of the literally coolest (get it? because frozen...mountain?) game soundtracks of all time.Read more

Sony Is Doing Great But Making More PS5s Is Difficult

Today, Sony released its financials for the three-month period ending on December 31, 2020. Even with the pandemic and supply issues, it sold 4.5 PlayStation 5s. The hardware is a big hit! But at this time, making more of them sounds hard. Read more

Gearbox Has Been Bought For $1.3 Billion

Gearbox Studios, developers of games like Borderlands and also publishers of stuff like the new Homeworld titles, has been bought by Embracer Group, the same Swedish company that owns THQ Nordic and Koch Media.Read more

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