The Coolest Gadgets of 2020
It didn’t feel like it, what with a major pandemic and massive financial crisis, but 2020 was actually an incredible year for gadgets. For companies like Apple and Microsoft, this could have been a landmark year were it not for everything else going on. While the competition for our attention this...
What to Do If You've Let Your Animal Crossing Island Go to Hell
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the games that saved our sanity in 2020, but not everyone plays it every day. Maybe you found something else to play on your Switch or just got tired of the daily grind—and that’s okay! But you may notice your island looks a bit different when you come...
Poison Suspected In Death Of Yoozoo Games' Founder Lin Qi
Lin Qi, the billionaire founder of China-based League of Angels developer Yoozoo Games, died on Christmas, several days after being admitted to the hospital. Shanghai police are now investigating the 39-year-old’s death as a possible poisoning, according to the Associated Press.Read more
The Coolest Star Wars Collectibles of 2020
Look, considering the “Skywalker Saga” (to be clear, you’re absolutely a narc if you call it that) came to a close last December, 2020 was still a banner year when it comes to Star Wars merchandise. Between The Mandalorian merch finally hitting in full force after a slight delay, a whole bunch...
How To Get The Most Out Of Xbox Game Pass
Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass subscription is about as close to “Netflix for games” as you can get. And just like Netflix, there are ways to get the most bang for your buck. Here are some tips for wringing everything you can out of a Game Pass subscription.Read more
Tuesday's Best Deals: Acer Nitro 5, Crane & Canopy Winter Sale, Naipo Massage Gun, Shower Beer Holder and Bluetooth Speaker, KN95 Face Masks, and More
The Acer Nitro 5 and a Crane & Canopy winter sale lead Tuesday’s best deals.Read more
Lidé utráceli v mobilních aplikacích o 35 procent víc než loni
KN95 Face Masks Aren't Sexy, but Safety Is and This 60-Pack Is Just $29
60-Pack: KN95 5-Layer Face Masks | $29 | MehRead more
Ambiciózní Squadron 42 v nedohlednu, autoři z něj ani nic nechtějí ukázat
Chystaná singleplayerová odbočka od Star Citizena sice předloni uchvátila trailerem, na dlouhou dobu to ale je to jediné, co ze hry budeme moci vidět. Autor hry Chris Roberts všem fanouškům vzkázal, že je vydání ještě v nedohlednu
Letošní prodeje Mario Kart 8: Deluxe jsou lepší než loňské
Herní konzole od KFC je skutečná. Umí i ohřát jídlo
Fastfoodový řetězec to už poněkolikáté zkouší s virální reklamou, a i tentokrát se mu daří strhnout pozornost. Chystá se totiž nabízet podivnou herní konzoli s přihrádkou na ohřev jídla. V praxi je to v podstatě jen na míru vyrobený herní počítač
Zvolte největší herní zklamání roku 2020
Hráč videoher jsou jedni z mála, kteří na rok 2020 nebudou vzpomínat ve zlém. Kromě spousty hitů se však i oni dočkali mnoha zklamání. Které bylo pro vás tím největším?