7 Games To Play With Your Kids Over Christmas
For parents, the Christmas vacation is, at its best, a fortnight of Sundays. No school, but also everything else is closed, too, and everyone you know is busy seeing family. 2020’s holiday break is, as is only proper for 2020, all of that but even harder. Two weeks of being at home, unable to...
Cyberpunk 1997
Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We have a city to burn. An original PlayStation-era city, courtesy of game developer Anders Lundbjörk’s completely accurate demake of Cyberpunk 2077. Read more
Watch Wonder Woman ‘84 and Battle Cheetah in the Comfort of Your Own Home With This LEGO Set, Now $32
LEGO DC Wonder Woman vs Cheetah | $32 | AmazonRead more
EVE Online Players Are Calling A Christmas Truce
Two of EVE Online’s biggest factions have been engaged in open war for the last six months, fighting for their continued existence on the server. Tensions are high, and players on both sides of the conflict are starting to show signs of wear and tear. What better way to provide those players...
Become the Deal Knight With up to 59% off Batman Animated Series/Film Box Sets
Up to 67% off Movie & TV Box Sets | AmazonRead more
Stardew Valley dostala svoji zatím největší aktualizaci
Microsoft ve videu balancuje rok Game Passu
Nic pro útlocitné, ve hře Tormentor budete mučit zajatce
V chystané hře Tormentor se stanete výrobcem a producentem brutálních snuff filmů. Za jejich prodej si vyděláváte prostředky na nákup dalších mučicích prostředků
Source: GameStop Now Accepting Returns Of ‘Defective’ Cyberpunk 2077
GameStop has joined the growing number of retailers that are fully refunding customers who bought Cyberpunk 2077, according to an internal memo acquired by Kotaku.Read more
Covid Relief Bill Still Includes Felony Streaming Act, But Twitch Streamers Are Probably Safe
Earlier this month, Republican senator Thom Tillis managed to graft an act that would turn streaming copyrighted material into a felony onto the much-debated omnibus spending bill, which also includes a paltry second covid relief check, among many other things. After even more debate (and many...
Cyberpunk 2077 je terčem vtipů, podívejte se na ty nelepší
Nejočekávanější hra letošního roku se sice povedla, určitě by jí ale pomohlo, kdyby jí ještě vývojáři měli čas lépe odladit. Seznam problémů, s kterými se hráči potýkají, je prakticky nekonečný, my vám ukážeme alespoň ty úsměvnější
Zvolte nejlepší hru roku 2020 na Xbox
Čtenářská anketa Hra roku 2020 na Bonuswebu pokračuje hlasováním v kategorii nejlepších her na konzole Xbox. Zvolit můžete až tři kousky