How Miles Morales Connects To Harlem In The New Spider-Man Game
In Insomniac’s 2018 Spider-Man game, Peter Parker’s relationship with New York City involved the occasional selfie with a citizen and a lot of palling around with the NYPD. The new Miles Morales game does something different. It foregrounds Miles Morales’ relationship to Harlem and the community...
Catching Covid-19 Sucked, Though Video Games Helped
Some call it a hoax. Others say it’s no worse than the common cold. But make no mistake: the covid-19 pandemic is very, very real. If you don’t believe the mountain of scientific literature, the army of medical professionals, the frontline reporting from countless reputable sources, the firsthand...
Immortal's Version Of Assassin's Creed's Leap Of Faith Is More Of A Panicked Plummet
There’s a moment at the beginning of Immortals Fenyx Rising, the new open-world adventure from the developers of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, where it feels like newly-forged hero Fenyx is going to go full-on assassin. She climbs a massive stature, surveys the land, and then prepares to leap...
Cyberpunk 2077 uspokojí i virtuální fotografy
Aby maximálně prodal svoji skvělou grafiku, bude netrpělivě očekávaný Cyberpunk 2077 obsahovat i fotomód. Esteticky nadaní hráči tak budou moci svůj talent pořádně prodat díky spoustě grafických efektů, kterými bude možné ozvláštnit každou herní scénu
Be a Better Listener When You Grab an Arctis Pro Wireless Gaming Headset for $240
SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless Gaming Headset | $240 | AmazonRead more
Wednesday's Best Deals: New M1 MacBooks, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Christmas Tree Skirts, Switch Pro Controller Bundle, Too Faced Lipstick, and More
Apple’s new MacBooks and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate lead Wednesday’s best deals.Read more
RECENZE: Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise zlepší vaši kondici
Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise je kvalitní cvičební program, který využívá ovladačů Joy-Con u konzole Switch. Hlavní náplní je boxování v rytmu hudby
Okami HD se prodávalo nejlépe na Switchi
Genshin Impact Wins Apple And Google Play's Best Game Of 2020
Huh, people seem to like massive free-to-play action role-playing games with serious The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild vibes. miHoYo’s Genshin Impact came out on top of both Google and Apple’s official game of the year lists, beating out whatever the Candy Crush people are doing and all...
Čínský hit Genshin Impact vydělal na mobilech 393 milionů dolarů
Any Place Is Where I Want To Be When I’m Listening To FTL: Faster Than Light’s Otherworldly Tunes
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today it’s time to jump through hyperspace with the whiz-bang chiptune-y goodness of the soundtrack to 2012’s strategy roguelike masterpiece FTL: Faster Than Light.Read more
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