Any Place Is Where I Want To Be When I’m Listening To FTL: Faster Than Light’s Otherworldly Tunes
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today it’s time to jump through hyperspace with the whiz-bang chiptune-y goodness of the soundtrack to 2012’s strategy roguelike masterpiece FTL: Faster Than Light.Read more
Autoři Desperados 3 chystají novou hru
Fortnite Season 5 Brings Bounties and The Mandalorian [Updated]
After a battle with Galactus that briefly shut down both Fortnite and Twitch, we have some information about what’s coming in Chapter 2, Season 5. There are some big map changes, along with some new systems and characters who do more than just try to kill you.Read more
You Can Get a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Super Mario Odyssey Together for $69, So Go Ahead and Say It
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller + Super Mario Odyssey | $69 | WalmartRead more
In Japan, There's A Chiropractor For Gamers
If you play video games for a long stretch at a time, it’s probably taken a toll on your body. In Japan, there’s now “gaming chiropractic” to help iron out those aches and stiff joints.Read more
Japan's Newest Life-Sized Gundam Officially Unveiled
The time has come. The wait is over. Japan’s latest one-to-one Gundam is finally finished.Read more
Fortnite láká trailerem na pátou kapitolu druhé sezony
Travis Scott za devítiminutové vystoupení ve Fortnite vydělal 400 milionů
Virtuální koncert amerického rapera Travise Scotta z dubna letošního roku přilákal k obrazovkám 12 milionů diváků. Podle magazínu Forbes na něm umělec vydělal 20 milionů dolarů, daleko víc, než inkasuje za své běžné koncerty
Podívejte se na hodnocení her japonského Famitsu z čísla 1670
Do Game Passu brzy přibude Control a Doom
Kinda-Famous Metal Gear Ad Removed From Building After Seven Years
In 2013, a huge piece of street art was commissioned in Leeds, England for the launch of Metal Gear Rising. For some reason it has stayed up for seven years, becoming something of a local legend, until last week it was finally covered over by a different ad that has nothing to do with Raiden.Read...
There’s Still Hope If You, A Dummy, Didn’t Pick The Providential Ring In Demon’s Souls
Did you start the Demon’s Souls remake without choosing the new Providential Ring as your starting gift? Well, first off, you really should have read my beginner’s tips! Lucky for you, the Souls community has discovered a way to snag this helpful piece of jewelry further into the game. It’s just...