Deals: PSN Best of E3 Sale, Persona Q, Layton vs. Wright, Mario Kart 8

Seriously, if you want the Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: The Wild Cards Premium Edition, get it now. Wouldn't be surprised if it's gone before the end of the day. Amazon doesn't charge you until it ships, so just get your copy locked in. [Persona Q]Read more

Deals: Humble Twitch E3 Bundle, PS4/Vita Bundle, PS+, Civ V, Logitech

We're bringing you the deals early today to get out of the way of Microsoft's presser, and even more scheduling info below. In addition to a pile of other great deals, Humble has partnered with Twitch for the "E3 Digital Ticket", a 12 game bundle that also includes a month...

Discount PS4, Free Republique, Ground Zeroes, $5 Amazon Credit

Want a Playstation 4? Waiting for an E3 price drop that isn't coming? Waiting for a new bundle announced at E3, the possibility of which is 50-50 at best? Stop waiting and get $30 off a Playstation 4 today, plus no tax depending on your state and free shipping. [Playstation 4, $370]Read more

PSN RPG Flash Sale and Update, Elder Scrolls Online, Alfred Hitchcock

New Playstation Plus offerings and discounts are joined by a PSN RPG flash sale, which has marked down games like Ni no Kuni to a ridiculous $5. It's a great selection, so check out the full list below and let us know what you'll be snapping up in the comments. [PSN RPG Flash Sale]Read more

Playstation 4, Free Amazon Coins, Far Cry 4, Twin Peaks, Such Humble

Frys has the first straight discount on the Playstation 4 today, $20 off, if you can get the site to load. In other Playstation 4 deals, you can pick up a pre-owned unit from CowBoom for whatever their lowest price is at the time, plus an additional $20 off with code 14599752. Read more

$20 to Spend on Android Apps For $7, Cosmos, Watch Dogs, Titanfall

Today in the no-brainer category, Android owners can get $20 worth of Android apps, in the form of Amazon coins, for $7. What you're actually doing is buying the Android version of GTA: San Andreas, which costs 7 bucks and comes with 2000 free coins ($20). If you have a Kindle Fire and want...

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