Generační vizitka Sony: Krasojízda PlayStationu 4 ve znamení exkluzivit
Pro značku PlayStation znamenalo uplynulých sedm let jedno z nejúspěšnějších období vůbec. PlayStation 4 se stal historicky druhou nejprodávanější domácí konzolí a dokázal s přehledem porazit konkurenci. Portfoliu kralovalo množství špičkových exkluzivit, které se rok co rok pravidelně umisťovaly...
Videoherní smrti, které svou brutalitou šokovaly i nás. Jak jste to měli vy?
Po letech hraní krvavých videoher už nás jen tak něco nerozhodí, ale i tak jsme narazili na pár videoherních úmrtí, která nás nenechala v klidu
The Week In Games: Wake Up Samurai, Cyberpunk 2077 Is Almost Here
After countless delays, literal years of hype and trailers, and a ton of controversy, Cyberpunk 2077 is here. Easily the most anticipated game of the year for a lot of folks, Cyberpunk 2077 featuring Keanu Reeves drops later this week on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia.Read more
I'll Never Get Tired Of Sending Enemies Flying In Immortals
Immortal Fenyx Rising, Ubisoft’s cartoonish take on an open-world game, has fine combat. It’s not amazing, being lifted straight from Assassin’s Creed Odyessy, but it works and it feels nice. However, killing enemies in Immortals is amazing because they don’t just collapse and die, but instead...
'Shop Contest: Monoliths
Over the last few weeks, strange monoliths have been appearing around the world. Is it the work of aliens? Secret government agencies? Time travelers? Bored artists, who have a bunch of free time during the pandemic? (It’s probably that last one...) And now I hear they are appearing in video...
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory’s Soundtrack Was Perfectly Chaotic
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today I’m talking, quietly, about Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory’s soundtrack.Read more
Sunday's Best Deals: Samsung 55-Inch 4K TV, Instant Pot Duo Nova, Klairs Skincare Essentials, FIFA 21, Madden 21, UFC 4, and More
A Samsung 55-inch LED 4K UHD Smart Tizen TV and an Instant Pot Duo Nova lead Sunday’s best deals.Read more
This SNL Skit Is All About Begging Santa For A PS5
Right now, many people are desperately trying to buy a PS5. It’s been a real shitshow. In fact, it has gotten so bad that even Saturday Night Live has jumped in with a skit all about one man, Stu, begging Santa to get him a PS5.Read more
Enjoy Your Favorite Shows on This Vibrant 55-Inch Samsung 4K TV, Only $350
Samsung 55-inch LED 4K UHD Smart Tizen TV | $350 | Best BuyRead more
Sunday Comics: Ray Tracing
Hello! It’s time for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on the magnifying glass icon.Read more
Nejhorší část herního průmyslu jsou toxičtí fanoušci, tvrdí šéf Xboxu
Šéf xboxové divize Microsoftu Phil Spencer přiznal v rozhovoru, že jediným důvodem, kvůli kterému by mohl odejít z herního průmyslu, je nevhodné chování hrstky přehnaně vášnivých fanoušků konkurenčních herních platforem
'Shop Contest: New Steppenwolf, Winners!
Time in 2020 works differently than in previous years. So the new Steppenwolf both feels ancient and yet somehow not that long ago. It’s odd. But yes, two weeks ago, we got our first look at the new Steppenwolf from the upcoming Justice League rerelease and it looked...uh... bad.Read more