
Nalezeno "United States US": 294

FIN Advises US Congress To Govern Cryptocurrencies Under Bank Secrecy Act

The leading strategic advisory firm, Financial Integrity Network or FIN, has released an advisory recommendation for U.S. Congress concerning the regulatory measures of the cryptocurrency sector. In a testimony before the crucial hearing, FIN announced that it purports to establish a new financial...

China Designated as Currency Manipulator by United States Treasury

In what can be termed as an unexpected turn of events, the United States Treasury has designated China as a Currency Manipulator. The announcement has been done via the Treasury Department’s official Twitter handle on 5th August, followed by a press release.  U.S. Treasury Designates China as...

Ripple Writes Open Letter to Government, Asks for Fair Crypto Regulations

Leading crypto-blockchain network Ripple has penned an open letter to the US Government, requesting fair regulation of the crypto industry. The letter comes as a response to the growing dissent in the government regarding digital currencies, especially after social media giant, infamous for several...

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