Bitcoin Unlimited Launches Two-Option Voting App Powered by Bitcoin Cash
On September 16, the Bitcoin Unlimited development team launched a new application called Votepeer. The software is powered by the Bitcoin Cash network and allows anyone to set up a transparent two-option voting process. This week a couple of Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) developers released a new voting...
Presidential Candidate Brock Pierce Served With Lawsuit for Alleged ICO Fraud
Former Disney child actor and U.S. Presidential candidate, Brock Pierce, was served with a lawsuit during a political campaign event held on Monday. The class-action lawsuit was filed in May and it claims the defendants, including Pierce, sold unregistered securities during the EOS initial coin...
US Lawmakers Advocate for Blockchain Use in COVID Relief Efforts
Lawmakers are urging President Trump to consider blockchain solutions in the fight against COVID-19
Expect market regulation ‘avalanche’ if Biden beats Trump — Mulvaney
Former Trump chief of staff Mick Mulvaney foresees an “avalanche” of regulations if Biden wins the election, what’s this mean for Bitcoin price?
Trump’s Former Pro-Bitcoin Chief of Staff Now Runs a Hedge Fund
Former Trump administration chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, who is known for his positive stance on Bitcoin, is launching a hedge fund
U.S. Democrats Ask Trump Administration for Details on Terrorist Crypto Seizures
Two U.S. Democrats have asked the White House to provide more information on recent seizures of cryptocurrency from terrorist groups including ISIS
House Dems Request Trump Admin. Briefing on Crypto Seized From Terrorists
The information will be used to develop regulation aimed at tackling the illicit use of cryptocurrencies
Analysts Predict US Presidential Election Outcome Could Collapse Dollar, Boost Bitcoin and Gold
Analysts have predicted a bearish outlook for the U.S. dollar as the country’s 2020 presidential election approaches. One analyst says gold will correct with Donald Trump’s victory followed by the collapse of the U.S. dollar. Bitcoin, on the other hand, stands to gain from the election....
What Top US Politicians and POTUS Election Candidates Think of Bitcoin
Cryptocurrencies and politics are intertwined. Here’s what the top politicians in the U.S. elections think about cryptocurrencies
[aktualita] Trump sankce pro Huawei ještě zpřísnil, přístup k čipům bude opět obtížnější
Administrativa amerického prezidenta začátkem týdne oznámila nová pravidla pro přístup Huawei a jejích dceřiných firem k čipům využívajícím americké licencované technologie. Za novými sankcemi stojí opět Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), tedy americká obdoba našeho ministerstva obchodu...
Russia, With Bitcoin Playing Bit Part, Tried to Hack 2016 U.S. Election, Senate Report Finds
Bitcoin may have been the salacious pretext to Marina Butina's fling with Patrick Byrne
Amid US Postal Service ‘Crisis’ USPS Files Patent for Blockchain Mail-in Voting Scheme
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is falling apart at the seams and many Americans are blaming the Trump administration. The USPS may have to deal with the U.S. election ballot process, as mail-in votes may be the dominant practice thanks to the coronavirus. Amid the American public’s...
Donald Trump: ‘I’ll Start Looking at’ Pardoning Edward Snowden
The US President said during a press conference that he would consider allowing Edward Snowden to return from his 7-year ‘exile’ in Russia
US Postal Service Files Blockchain Voting Patent Following Trump Cuts
Is it enough to meaningfully resist election fraud?
Trump’s Proposed Capital Gains Tax Cut Could Boost Crypto Profits
A proposed capital gains tax cut could be good news for crypto traders in the U.S
[článek] Trump se chová jako Čína a svými zákazy TikToku a Tencentu seká internet na kousky
[4 minuty čtení] Tažení amerického prezidenta proti čínským službám ve výsledku znamená dělení internetu na kusy a jde o podobný postup, který v rámci svého blokování podniká Čína. Nepřipravený západní návštěvník vnitrozemské Číny může být po přihlášení k tamní mobilní nebo Wi-Fi síti nepříjemně...
Bitcoin, Gold Prices Drop as Trump Praises ‘Big Stock Market Numbers!’
A correction in gold and silver price coincides with a 2.68% drop in Bitcoin as its price fell below $11,600
Donald Trump je pod palbou kritiky kvůli nedávnému tweetu o NASA. Spletl si Starship s Crew Dragonem?
Donald Trump se opět postaral o pořádný rozruch. Ve středu totiž zveřejnil tweet, podle nějž byla NASA „uzavřena a mrtvá“ – až dokud se nedostal k moci a nezměnil to.
K tomuto kontroverznímu komentáři připojil odkaz na tweet NASASpaceflight věnovaný úspěšnému testu prototypu kosmické lodi
First Mover: Bitcoin Hits $12K as Trump Orders Checks for Unemployed (Voters)
Bitcoin pushed above $12,000 as President Donald Trump ordered emergency economic aid measures that might just be a precursor to a new spending bill worth trillions of dollars.
[aktualita] Americký prezident Trump podepsal výnosy zakazující v USA čínské služby TikTok a WeChat
Americký prezident Donald Trump podepsal dva výnosy, které americkým firmám a občanům zakazují jakékoli transakce s dvěma čínskými aplikacemi: jeden se týká TikTok a druhý je namířen proti WeChat. V platnost mají vstoupit 45 dní od podpisu. V textu výnosů Trump argumentuje tím, že obě aplikace...