
Nalezeno "Trump": 7637

Dena Grayson Believes Trump is Mishandling the Covid19 Outbreak!

Dr. Dena Grayson a former Democratic Candidate for U.S Congress, a Physician and a Scientist, made an appearance on a news channel to talk about how Trump has been incompetent in his response to the Coronavirus Outbreak.  Recent reports, there are more than 750 cases confirmed and suspected in...

A Sea Change to Crypto Hits America, Again

A sea change is coming to cryptocurrency in America. It is likely to hit in two separate waves: a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and draconian regulation that shuts down free-market activities, including development. Also Read: No Backdoor on Human Rights: Why Encryption Cannot Be Compromised...

Mike Bloomberg’s 2020 Finance Policy Proposes Strict Bitcoin Regulations

The 2020 U.S. Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg addressed the subject of cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICO) in his recently published Financial Reform Policy. Bloomberg wants more “regulatory oversight” when it comes to this promising technology, claiming he sees...

Trump Views Crypto a Threat, Proposes Countermeasures in New Budget

The White House released the Budget of the U.S. Government on Monday, outlining some proposals to increase cryptocurrency oversight which President Donald Trump views as priorities. The budget proposes giving the Treasury more power over crypto and requests funding for FinCEN to expand its efforts...

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