Thala recovers $25.5M in crypto caused by v1 farming vulnerability
While the hacked funds were fully recovered, the Thala token is still down roughly 35% since the incident occurred
Thala recovers $25.5M in crypto lost through v1 farming vulnerability
While the hacked funds were fully recovered, the Thala token is still down about 35% since the incident occurred
Thala recovers $25.5M in crypto lost through v1 farming vulnerability
While the hacked funds were fully recovered, the Thala token is still down about 35% since the incident occurred
Thala recovers $25.5M in crypto lost through v1 farming vulnerability
While the hacked funds were fully recovered, the Thala token is still down about 35% since the incident occurred
New Test Drive Is So Bad Players Are Getting A Free Car As An Apology
Earlier this year, Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown was released in a pretty bad state. People complained about bugs, broken servers, and other serious issues across console and PC. Things have improved a bit since then, but the game is still in a rough place. As an apology for all this, players...
Bitcoin Block 857,911 Delivers $1.12M to Antpool as Miners Enjoy Fee Windfall
On Thursday, Bitcoin network fees took a significant leap, crossing the $100 mark shortly after 8:45 a.m. EDT. However, this spike was short-lived as fees quickly dropped, settling at just $0.34 per transaction by 7 p.m. EDT. Data collected from the day’s blocks revealed that a few fortunate...
Black Swan Looms in 2024, Expert Warns of Unprecedented Economic Upheaval and US Election Disruption
The economic forecast for 2024 has undergone significant shifts, with lawmakers and the U.S. Federal Reserve anticipating a “soft landing” for the year. The prevailing belief is that while the economy will decelerate in 2024, the slowdown will be relatively mild. Nonetheless...
Legendární Porsche 911: Černý hřebec letos oslavil již šedesátiny
Porsche 911 letos oslavilo šedesát let. Od svého vzniku vyrostlo, zrychlilo a stalo se vlajkovou lodí automobilky
Revolutionizing Crypto Trading: KyberSwap Introduces KyberAI – The Leading AI-Driven Crypto Trading Tool
KyberSwap, a leading decentralized exchange has unveiled KyberAI, a suite of AI-powered crypto tools poised to reshape how traders navigate the dynamic landscape of decentralized finance. KyberAI was developed to address the pressing need for predictive insights in the crypto market, offering...
Netflix Star Driving Bitcoin Adoption With Porsche Flying El Salvador Flag
Scottish-Salvadoran driver Sebastian Melrose has made his debut in the Porsche Carrera Cup racing championship. The 25-year-old, who took part in a popular Netflix TV series last year, drives a Bitcoin-branded 911 that features the flag of crypto-friendly El Salvador on its rooftop. Bitcoin Racing...
Porsche 911 NFT Public mint goes live now!
Porsche, the popular German car maker, released the first NFT (Non-fungible token) collection this week, but the project did not raise toward a high resale price as speculated. The 7,500 edition NFT collection paid homage to Porsche’s iconic sports car 911 and opened its minting in four waves at...
Porsche’s Web3 plan revealed: 7,500-piece NFT via 911 collection
In recent times, the undoubted giant in the field of automobiles, Porsche, took time off to formally declare the deliverance of a unique and sophisticated NFT collection comprising 7,500 pieces. All of these, incidentally, happen to be based on their classic Porsche 911 model. This entire...
Nifty News: Porsche 911 NFTs, BMW files Web3 trademarks, Baby Shark’s NFT game and more...
BMW and Porsche have both recently ramped up their own Web3 plays, while Baby Shark is dipping into the blockchain gaming sector, but just for kids
Porsche to Sell Exclusive Design Sketch as Non-Fungible Token
Porsche has announced its first NFT auction following the recent launch of the token-based Fanzone platform. The German high-performance car maker will sell a unique design sketch as part of the pilot project. The proceeds will be used to fund a noble cause. Porsche to Auction NFT of New Design...
LEGO spojuje: Jak otec a syn postavili dvě stavebnice Porsche 911
Dávno neplatí, že by Lego bylo jen hračka pro děti. Generacím, které se stavebnicí vyrostly, firma nabízí celé řady sofistikovaných modelů. Co se aut týče, je v aktuální nabídce několik dvojiček, a tak si táta se synem mohou postavit malé a velké Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren a
Porsche 911 jako offroad? Půjde to, sporťáky do terénu začne stavět Gemballa
Sedmadvacetiletý Marc Philipp Gemballa chystá offroadový speciál ve stylu dakarského Porsche 959. Dostane stovky koní a famózní tvary, postaven bude na základě současné verze modelu 911.
Společnost Gemballa v osmdesátých letech minulého století proslula divokými úpravami Porsche a ve své
US Hopes to Confiscate $400M: DoJ Files Forfeiture Judgment Against Onecoin Launderer
Prosecutors from the Southern District of New York (SDNY) court have submitted a “forfeiture money judgment” against the former attorney Mark Scott. The lawyer was charged with helping the Ponzi scheme Onecoin launder funds. The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) claims that Scott helped...
Smrtící okamžiky zachytila kamera. Ze svatební cesty se už nevrátili
Pro cestující to měl být úžasný zážitek. Počasí slibovalo nádherné výhledy na japonskou horu Fudži. Místo toho však uchystalo letu 911 smrtící past. Letoun se v prudké turbulenci rozpadl. Ze začátku přitom vůbec nebylo jasné, co vlastně bylo příčinou tragédie. Pomohl nečekaný nález v troskách...
Rozpadající se letoun pozorovaly stovky lidí. Vletěl do neviditelného pekla
Kapitán chtěl cestujícím zprostředkovat úžasnou podívanou na monumentální horu. Místo toho vletěl do neviditelného pekla. Letoun se začal ve vzduchu rozpadat. Část s cestujícími se k zemi snášela ve spirále jako list. Vydejte se po stopách letecké katastrofy, které se odehrála 5. března 1966.Další...