An AI Bread Horse Was The Most Popular Thing On Facebook Last Month
While Facebook has sucked for a long time, its become much worse in the last year or so thanks to the rise of AI-generated slop that has completely taken over the site. And now, according to newly published data, it seems that one of those AI slop posts was the biggest thing on the site last month....
98.6% of memecoins on fail to even launch
2.8.2024 crypto memecoins that make it onto Raydium have fallen since February and have remained “stagnant” at around 1.41% for months
98.6% of memecoins on fail to even launch
2.8.2024 crypto memecoins that make it onto Raydium have fallen since February and have remained “stagnant” at around 1.41% for months
This Last of Us Clicker Bread Sculpture Is Scary As Hell
A bakery in San Francisco constructed a sculpture of a Last of Us Clicker, one of the series’ menacing, mushroom-infested zombies, out of bread. And it looks pretty darn scary.Read more
An Adderall Shortage and No Vegan Meals — Former FTX Boss Struggles With Jail Life
After Sam Bankman-Fried, once the head of FTX, petitioned the court for a five-day-a-week release from incarceration, the overseeing judge swiftly denied the plea. On Tuesday, Bankman-Fried pleaded not guilty in response to the most recent charges. Meanwhile, his legal team emphasized that he...
Sandwich trading bots lose bread and butter in $25M exploit
The CertiK team told Cointelegraph that this is one of the biggest exploits that they’ve seen on MEV bots since September 2022
Do Not Play Obsidian’s Killer Narrative Game While Hungry
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ECB Raises Benchmark Rate by 75bps and Tones Down Long-Term Refinancing Operations
On Thursday, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced the central bank’s third consecutive benchmark bank rate increase this year, raising the rate by 75 basis points (bps). In addition to the rate hike, the ECB changed the central bank’s targeted longer-term refinancing operations terms...
Euro Area Annual Inflation Jumps to 9.9% in September, Cost of Bread Skyrockets, Protests Erupt
According to the European Union’s statistics office Eurostat on Wednesday, Euro area annual inflation is up to 9.9% in September, up from 9.1% in August. The inflation rate in September tapped a 40-year high, and investors suspect that the eurozone is “at risk of a financial meltdown.”...
South Korea Really Loves Pokémon Bread
For the first time in about twenty years, Pokémon bread has gone back on sale in South Korea. And the snacks are flying off the shelves. Read more
McDonalds files trademarks for McMetaverse restaurants… that deliver
The golden arches poked fun at crypto investors last month, but has now embraced the Metaverse by applying for trademarks of its brand for the virtual world
BioShock Infinite's 'Bread Boy', Explained
Over the weekend, a tweet blew up reminding the world of BioShock Infinite’s “Bread Boy”, a very strange, joyous little man from the game’s Burial At Sea DLC.Read more
Thank You Melty Blood For Adding Fate/Stay Night’s Saber, My Sword Wife
I didn’t pay much attention to the anime fighting game Melty Blood: Type Lumina until just yesterday, when the developers made the official announcement that Saber, Fate/Stay Night protagonist and the “King of Knights” herself, would be joining the new game’s roster. After seeing her video gameplay...
A Step-By-Step Process for Turning Designs Into Code
Turning website design files into a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is the bread and butter of many front-end web development jobs, but there’s a part of this work that doesn’t neatly fit in to tutorials on any specific …
The post A Step-By-Step Process for Turning Designs Into Code...
Chivalry 2 Player Only Needs Bread To Kill
Despite its serious medieval trappings, Chivalry 2 matches can get pretty slapstick-y thanks to the game allowing players to use anything at their disposal to take down opponents. Case in point, this recent Reddit post showing a creative Chivalry 2 player scoring two kills in a row with a weapon...
Masks Made From Melon Bread Released In Japan
Melon pan is not only delicious, but one Japanese company also thinks it can make a good mask.Read more
A New Melty Blood Fighting Game Got Announced Out Of Nowhere
Japanese developer French Bread recently revealed a new entry in the fighting game series that put it on the map: Melty Blood. I know, I know, but stick with me. This is pretty cool and a big deal for folks who live and breathe fighting games.Read more
You are only 12 cheese sticks away from making Super Duper Stuffed Crust Pizza
Your eyes are not deceiving you: I have made an entire pizza out of nothing but stuffed crust. This has been a top secret project I’ve been mired in for weeks, its existence known only to my coworkers, my family, and an exclusive group of individuals I felt could be trusted with this knowledge....
Fighting Games Have Come A Long Way
It’s common knowledge that fighting game sprites have grown larger and more refined as technology has improved, at least in those rare few games that still use them. But I never truly appreciated how big of a difference there is between the classics and their modern counterparts before now.Read more
How to Make a Line Chart With CSS
Line,  bar, and pie charts are the bread and butter of dashboards and are the basic components of any data visualization toolkit. Sure, you can use SVG or a JavaScript chart library like Chart.js or a complex tool like D3 to create those charts, but what if you don't want to load yet another...