
Nalezeno "Bundesbank": 14

Digital Euro Holding Limit: Debate Continues

The president of Germany’s central bank has highlighted the ongoing debate about the holding limit for the digital euro, Europe’s central bank digital currency (CBDC). He noted that recent Bundesbank research indicates that the optimal amount could be in the range of 1,500 to 2,500...

Survey: 58% of German Banks Charge Negative Interest Rates

Germany’s central bank, the Deutsche Bundesbank, has conducted a survey of banks charging negative interest rates on customer deposits. Some are charging retail customers as well as corporate clients. An independent price comparison portal shows which banks are currently charging for deposits...

Germany’s Financial Crisis Invokes 5-Year Rent Freeze

All eyes are on the German economy which was once perceived as stable and strong. However, the financial state of affairs has been tumultuous and Berlin’s state cabinet recently agreed to a five-year rent freeze to help curb the rising housing costs in the country. Moreover, Bundesbank just...

Smokescreens and Mirrors: How Does a Country Do an ICO? They Call It QE

Financial regulators all around the world have been cracking down hard on ICOs for promising more than they can deliver. At the same time governments and central banks are pulling off far worse scams, such as QE, wiping out the savings of everyone that depends on them. To hide this fact they...

More Signs the Next Big Financial Crisis May Begin in Germany

Germany, the locomotive of Europe’s huge economy, is entering a difficult period, various indicators suggest. And when the Federal Republic sneezes, the Old Continent usually catches cold. This time, Germany may infect the rest of the world as well. An economic and financial crisis there...

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