
Nalezeno "CEXs": 25

Colombia’s Bancolombia Launches Crypto Exchange Wenia and Stablecoin COPW

Wenia, a new crypto exchange by Colombia's Bancolombia bank, launches with the COPW stablecoin, pegged to the Colombian peso. The platform allows trading in various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ether, and Polygon. This development aligns with Colombia's rising prominence in Latin America's c...

Spot Volumes Rise on Centralized Exchanges but Traffic Falls Further, Report

Spot and futures trading volumes on centralized crypto exchanges (CEXs) have increased in June, a new report shows. At the same time, website traffic to major trading platforms for digital assets continued to decline, according to the study which also tracks its geographical distribution. Spot...

Justin Sun emphasizes the need for CEX transparency following FTX collapse

Justin Sun thinks centralized exchanges (CEXs) could learn a lesson from decentralized finance (DeFi). The entrepreneur and diplomat who founded the Tron blockchain spoke at a roundtable at Philippine Blockchain Week in November 2022. The discussion inevitably turned to the newsmaking collapse...

TheTrade Is a Game-Changer in the Uniswap V3 Market of 2023

PRESS RELEASE. Digital currency made splashes in the 2010s with a promise of decentralization and ultimate user privacy. However, most well-known crypto exchange giants, like Binance or Coinbase, are CEXs by essence. It means they are centralized exchange platforms, offering custodial wallets...

PORTX Token Goes Live on CEXs and DEXs

PRESS RELEASE. The team at ChainPort is incredibly excited to update the public about PORTX’s Token Generation Event (TGE). The team has worked tirelessly to develop the most exemplary ecosystem token for the next-generation cross-chain bridge. Since its launch last year, ChainPort...

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